Candace and John Bowen Adviser First Amendment Leadership Award, JEA endowment Fund, photo of candace and John on a bridge with cameras

JEA is excited to announce its first major endowment donation of $35,000 made by Candace Perkins Bowen, MJE, John Bowen, MJE, and Tom Eveslage.

JEA launched its new endowment program in December. Donors can choose for their contributions to go toward either a restricted endowment or an unrestricted endowment. With a restricted endowment, inaugural donors help set parameters of how their money will be spent. Unrestricted endowments allow the JEA board to make decisions on how money will be spent as they budget annually.

“JEA has supported journalism educators for 100 years, and we are committed to supporting scholastic journalism into the future,” JEA Executive Director Veronica Purvis said. “JEA launched this new endowment in conjunction with our centennial to serve diverse groups to support our association’s mission and long-term goals. We are extremely excited and grateful to start this endowment program with the first restricted endowment donation from the Bowens and Eveslage.”

The Bowens and Eveslage have set up their restricted endowment and have created the Candace and John Bowen Adviser First Amendment Leadership Award. This annual award will go to a JEA member whose work has actively supported, defended and fought for student journalists and their advisers on the local, state or national level. Recipients will receive $1,000 and will be encouraged to write an article for C:JET to share their actions and show others how they, too, can make a difference.

“We have always believed in students’ rights to use their media to make a difference,” said John Bowen, MJE and long-time chair of JEA’s Scholastic Press Rights Committee. “Now, more than ever, we need teachers and advisers who help develop a generation that knows the value of media to our democracy.”

And now seemed like the perfect time for the three to bring their idea to life.

“When Tom (Eveslage), our friend and fellow free speech advocate, suggested an award like this, we jumped at the chance to set it up during JEA’s centennial,” Candace Bowen, MJE, added about why she and John were inspired to endow this award.

Award recipients must be current JEA members. Applications will be due July 15 and the award will be presented at the Fall JEA/NSPA National High School Journalism Convention. Nominators will be able to start the application process on when all in February.

If you would like more information on the unrestricted JEA endowment, the Candace and John Bowen Adviser First Amendment Leadership Award endowment, or other future restricted endowments please complete this interest form.

Contribute to the Candace and John Bowen Adviser First Amendment Leadership Award endowment fund.

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