It is with heavy hearts that we make the announcement to cancel the 2020 Spring National High School Journalism Convention in Nashville, April 16-18. 

With the overwhelming concerns of COVID-19, which have prompted schools to ban travel and/or to close for extended periods of time, we want to give our members the ability to focus on the greater challenges awaiting them at home, in their schools and in their communities. 

We are saddened knowing we won’t see your familiar faces or those new to our convention experience, but we’re certain that this is the right call. 

We want to thank our convention hotel, Gaylord Opryland, as well as the local committee, chaired by Heather Nagel, CJE. We appreciate their efforts and look forward to visiting for the 2025 Fall JEA/NSPA National High School Journalism Convention. 

Refunds for convention registration will be issued in the coming weeks. 

There are many convention-related activities, and we know you will have many questions. Please be patient as we push out information this week to help answer those questions for all. 

We know this is the right decision for the health and safety of our attendees and for the communities to which they will return. This was a slow and deliberate decision-making process, and we’re grateful for your patience over the past few weeks and in the days ahead. We hope to see you Nov. 19-22, 2020, in Orlando, or April 8-10, 2021, in Seattle. 

Stay safe,

Kelly Glasscock / Journalism Education Association
Laura Widmer / National Scholastic Press Association

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