JEA and NSPA are excited to announce convention plans for next school year. We plan to return to in-person programming for the JEA/NSPA National High School Journalism Conventions in Philadelphia, Nov. 11-14, 2021, and Los Angeles, April, 7-9, 2022. 

We are cautiously moving forward as we monitor the pandemic, vaccine availability and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommendations, while we evaluate travel and hotel safety protocols. We already know the traditional convention format will need alterations, and we are committed to doing the work to keep attendees safe while providing a rich learning experience for students and advisers. 

Leaders from JEA and NSPA are participating in pandemic compliance training to align our storied convention with best practices for a safe, yet meaningful experience. At the same time, we are working closely with the hotel properties to follow their own stringent safety protocols. 

We know each adviser, staff and school group will have different questions throughout the process of planning this safe return to on-site conventions. We will provide monthly updates throughout the spring and summer as we lead up to registration opening in the fall. 

If you know you can join us, we are excited to return to the traditional speaker-proposal process. For the fall convention, the proposal deadline will remain July 15.

Lindsay Porter

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