JEA names 3 Friends of Scholastic Journalism
Three individuals who have made significant contributions to scholastic journalism will be recognized by the Journalism Education Association as a Friend of Scholastic Journalism. Each will receive an award Nov. 18 at the JEA/NSPA National High School Journalism Convention in Dallas.
The award recipients are Tina Cleavelin, Jostens, Denver; Michael Donoghue, St. Michael’s College, Colchester, Vermont, and Ernest Hooper, Tampa Bay Times, Tampa, Florida.
Tina Cleavelin, CJE, began her career as a middle school yearbook and newspaper adviser before moving to the high school level and then on to a publishing company regional and national consultant. As a Jostens Creative Accounts manager, Cleavelin focuses on connecting clients to the state and national organizations, while also encouraging representatives to be trained in journalism so they can better serve their schools. Tina is an impassioned advocate of scholastic journalism, encouraging staffs to participate in all aspects of professional growth, said nominator John Cutsinger, CJE.
Michael Donoghue is a true friend of scholastic journalism. Having a long-standing career as a journalist and serving as an adjunct professor of journalism at St. Michael’s College, Donoghue understands the importance of student voices so much so that he took the lead in pushing the New Voices legislation into Vermont law. When the bill finally passed, he made sure that the student journalists were present to witness the governor’s signing of the bill at a special ceremony, nominator Nancy Olson, CJE, said. Now, in Vermont, student journalists in public high schools and colleges are guaranteed freedom of expression and of the press.
Ernest Hooper has served in multiple capacities in the journalism world, but has recently settled into a role that lets him serve as an ambassador for journalism. Hooper, a former high school newspaper student, now an editor and columnist at the Tampa Bay Times, understands the magnitude of connecting with professionals at that stage, and has devoted time to making that happen. Hooper is a frequent guest speaker at our conferences and at schools, nominator Joe Humphrey, MJE, said. When the JEA/NSPA National High School Journalism Convention came to Orlando in 2015, Hooper participated on multiple days, to present sessions and to hold court at a Break with a Pro table. He also helped us recruit a diverse slate of featured speakers.
Founded in 1924, JEA supports free and responsible scholastic journalism by providing resources and educational opportunities, by promoting professionalism, by encouraging and rewarding student excellence and teacher achievement, and by fostering an atmosphere which encompasses diversity yet builds unity. It is headquartered at Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas.