JEA to join Campaign for Civic Mission of Schools
April 26, 2017
The Journalism Education Association will join more than 60 organizations working together to improve civic learning through the Campaign for the Civic Mission of Schools. The coalition aims to develop policies and improve practice while increasing civic engagement in students. Recommendations for policymakers, educators and all citizens are outlined in the 2011 report “Guardian of Democracy: The Civic Mission of Schools.”
JEA’s board of directors voted 7-0 to join the coalition during the April 6 board meeting in Seattle.
Campaign Executive Director Ted McConnell, who is a former board member of the Student Press Law Center, looks forward to the collaboration. “The Campaign is delighted to welcome the Journalism Education Association and looks forward to working with JEA to ensure a sound journalism program in every school and that all students have the opportunity to develop news literacy skills and a desire to keep informed,” McConnell said.
As a member organization of the Campaign Steering Committee, JEA will work with partners to bring about changes in state, local and national policy that promote civic learning.
“I am pleased that JEA and the Campaign for the Civic Mission of Schools have found each other. The CCMS is at the forefront of working with many organizations and individuals to promote civic literacy. JEA is excited to work with those involved in the campaign and through its individuals and programs demonstrate exactly how a robust journalism and media program in a school does exactly that. JEA is proud to be part of a diverse team committed to creating meaningful and engaging ways to demonstrate civic engagement,” said President Mark Newton, MJE.
President-elect Sarah Nichols, MJE, will meet with McConnell May 1 at “Student Voices: The Power of Democracy,” a civic learning summit in Los Angeles.
“This is a great fit for our mission, and we’re on the same page in so many ways already. We recognize both the critical need for news and media literacy skills in today’s world and the natural connections to scholastic journalism programs producing civic-minded individuals. Our efforts will be stronger together,” Nichols said.
Members can stay connected to the Campaign’s efforts on Facebook and Twitter.