At its spring meeting, the Journalism Education Association board of directors approved a $963,000 budget.

1-11 Library/Institutional 6,375.00
1-12 Affiliate 1,380.00
1-13 Teacher/Adviser 105,325.00
1-14 Emeritus 2,700.00
1-15 College Student 425.00
1-16 Lifetime Teacher 2,400.00
1-17 Promotional 1,220.00
1-18 Student 6,050.00
1-19 Associate 4,950.00
Total Memberships 130,825.00
1-21.1 School/educational 116,100.00
1-21.2 Out-of-state non-school 54,000.00
1-21.3 Kansas non-school 675.00
Total Bookstore 170,775.00
1-43.1 Write-offs 47,670.00
1-43.2 Advisers Institute 6,750.00
1-43.13 San Antonio ’12 255,000.00
1-43.14 San Francisco ’13 200,000.00
Total Conventions/Workshops 509,420.00
1-52 Realized capital gains 40,155.00
Total Investments 40,155.00
1-57 CJE Applications 3,600.00
1-58 MJE Applications 935.00
1-59 Renewals 640.00
Total Certification 5,175.00
1-61 Mailing list sales 1,300.00
1-62 Mentor grant 35,000.00
1-63 Mentor state grant 50,500.00
1-68 YAOY sponsorships 10,000.00
1-69 Advertising 10,000.00
Total Miscellaneous 106,800.00
TOTAL INCOME $963,150.00
2-11.1 Supplies 2,600.00
2-11.2 Postage 8,500.00
2-11.4 Telephone 2,900.00
2-11.6 Stationery, envelopes 1,000.00
2-11.8 Checks, acct, business 8,500.00
2-11.13 Copies, printing 2,100.00
2-11.14 Credit card fees 2,800.00
2-11.15 PayPal fees 1,200.00
2-11.17 Insurance 1,034.00
2-11.19 American Express fees 200.00
Total Operations 30,834.00
2-11.20 Bookstore manager 75,837.58
2-11.21 Bookkeeper 21,411.41
2-11.22 Office assistant 39,510.14
2-11.23 Web/database developer 57,680.74
2-11.24 Student labor 3,000.00
2-11.25 Exec director travel 4,500.00
2-11.26 Admin staff bonuses 4,000.00
Total Staff 205,939.87
2-11.30 Capital equipment 4,000.00
2-11.31 Tech support, maintain 500.00
2-11.32 Website 4,520.00
Total Equipment 9,020.00
Total Headquarters 245,793.87
2-17.1 Supplies 65.00
2-17.2 Communications 50.00
2-17.4 Travel 1,400.00
2-17.5 Lodging 2,150.00
Total President 3,665.00
Vice President
2-18.1 Supplies 65.00
2-18.2 Communications 25.00
2-18.4 Travel 1,050.00
2-18.5 Lodging 1,975.00
Total Vice President 3,115.00
2-19.1 Supplies 65.00
2-19.2 Communications 25.00
2-19.4 Travel 1,050.00
2-19.5 Lodging 1,975.00
Total Secretary 3,115.00
Past President
2-21.1 Supplies 65.00
2-21.2 Communications 25.00
2-21.4 Travel 1,050.00
2-21.5 Lodging 1,690.00
Total Past President 2,830.00
Total Officers 12,660.00
Service Program  
2-22.1 Resale inventory 119,542.50
2-22.2 Shipping materials 2,000.00
2-22.3 Shipping 13,662.00
2-22.7 Promotion 4,500.00
2-22.10 Freight to convention 2,500.00
Total Bookstore 142,204.50
2-23.1 Supplies 900.00
2-23.2 Communications 450.00
2-23.4 Editor travel 700.00
2-23.5 Editor lodging 1,800.00
2-23.6 Editor 5,000.00
2-23.7 Printing 20,000.00
2-23.8 Circulation 4,400.00
2-23.9 Asst editor expenses 4,550.00
2-23.10 Copyright fee 140.00
2-23.11 Promotion 150.00
2-23.12 Contributors 850.00
Total Magazine 38,940.00
Total Service Program 181,144.50
Curriculum and Development
2-25.1 Supplies 65.00
2-25.2 Communications 2,500.00
2-25.4 Travel 2,100.00
2-25.5 Lodging 3,200.00
Total Curriculum and Development 7,865.00
Scholastic Press Rights
2-26.1 Supplies 65.00
2-26.2 Communications 25.00
2-26.4 Travel 700.00
2-26.5 Lodging 1,800.00
2-26.6 Promotion 1,200.00
2-26.8 SPLC Report 25,200.00
Total Scholastic Press Rights 28,990.00
2-27.1 Supplies & copies 225.00
2-27.2 Communications 90.00
2-27.4 Travel 700.00
2-27.5 Lodging 1,800.00
2-27.7 Stipends/honorariums 3,500.00
2-27.10 Certificate/pin/plaques 800.00
Total Certification 7,115.00
2-28.1 Supplies 65.00
2-28.2 Communications 25.00
2-28.4 Travel 700.00
2-28.5 Lodging 1,800.00
2-28.6 Outreach Academy 11,250.00
Total Multicultural 13,840.00
Middle School/Junior High
2-30.1 Supplies 65.00
2-30.2 Communications 25.00
2-30.4 Travel 700.00
2-30.5 Lodging 1,800.00
Total Middle School/Junior High 2,590.00
Total Commissions 60,400.00
Regional Directors
Supplies 455.00
Communications 700.00
Travel 4,900.00
Lodging 12,600.00
Total Regional Directors 18,655.00
State Directors
State convention stipends 12,000.00
Total State Directors 12,000.00
Total Directors 30,655.00
Committees & Programs  
Digital Media Committee
2-40.4 Travel 700.00
2-40.5 Lodging 1,800.00
Total Digital Media Committee 2,500.00
Awards & Scholarships
2-41.1 Promotion 500.00
2-41.2 Plaques & certificates 3,000.00
2-41.3 Judges dinner 800.00
2-41.6 Carl Towley 1,170.00
2-41.7 Cornerstone 1,000.00
2-41.9 Future Teacher 5,000.00
2-41.10 Journalist of Year 10,085.00
2-41.12 Teacher Inspiration 1,330.00
2-41.13 Yearbook Adv of Year 8,085.00
Total Awards & Scholarships 30,970.00
Professional Learning Community
2-42.1 Supplies 65.00
2-42.2 Communications 25.00
2-42.4 Travel 700.00
2-42.5 Lodging 1,800.00
Total Professional Learning Community 2,590.00
Mentoring Program
2-43.1 Supplies 150.00
2-43.6 Fall forum 20,000.00
2-43.7 Spring forum 26,300.00
2-43.10 Scholarships 79,200.00
Total Mentoring Program 125,650.00
Total Committees & Programs 161,710.00
Scholastic Press Ass’ns
2-44.1 Supplies 65.00
2-44.2 Communications 25.00
2-44.4 Travel 700.00
2-44.5 Lodging 1,800.00
Total Scholastic Press Ass’ns 2,590.00
2-45.1 Supplies 65.00
2-45.2 Communications 25.00
2-45.4 Travel 700.00
2-45.5 Lodging 1,580.00
2-45.6 NCTE memberships 300.00
2-45.7 NCTE Assembly 25.00
Total NCTE 2,695.00
Total Liaisons 5,285.00
2-50.1 Supplies 300.00
2-50.2 Communications 4,500.00
2-50.6 Exec committee meeting 4,600.00
2-50.8 AEJMC Council Affiliate 150.00
Total Membership/Promotion 9,550.00
Conventions & Workshops
2-51.4 Conventions 50,000.00
2-51.41 Convention Shared Exp 140,000.00
2-51.5 Advisers Institute 11,265.00
2-51.8 Write-offs 30,000.00
2-51.9 Convention sub pay 6,000.00
Total Conventions & Workshops 237,265.00
2-57 Rebates to affiliates 3,000.00
Total Rebates 3,000.00
2-59.6 Sunshine 1,000.00
2-59.9 Special projects 14,621.63
Total Miscellanous 15,621.63
TOTAL EXPENSE 963,085.00

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