Every week, Jimmy Fallon writes thank-you notes on “The Tonight Show.” While his notes are written for laughs, you have a chance to write your sincere thank-you notes to special people who have supported you and traveled with you on your journalism educator journey.
Some JEA members have been around long enough to remember when classified ads — including personal ads — provided crucial financial support for newspapers. The Centennial Committee is digitizing that model and offering an opportunity for you to express your appreciation to anyone you would like to send a public shoutout for their impact on your career in journalism education. These thank-you notes will be posted on the JEA Centennial website throughout 2024.
Milestones like the JEA Centennial prompt us to pause and reflect. So make some time, turn on some thank-you note music, and support JEA as we step into our next 100 years!
$10 per message
Remember, it’s journalism: Keep it brief — and appropriate for all audiences.
You may purchase as many messages as you would like.