The final Journalist of the Year Portfolio Polish live session will be held on Monday, Jan. 31 at 7:30 p.m. CST. The Zoom-in will cover the web and social media section of the journalist of the year online portfolio.
“We started these talks before the 2021 deadline, and since then have created informative videos for each of the 11 areas of the contest rubric,” said JEA Journalist of the Year coordinator Joe Humphrey, MJE. “The videos include practical, helpful advice from former winners and distinguished educators from coast to coast.”
Panelists for Jan. 31 include the 2021 JEA Journalist of the Year, Riley Atkinson of Kansas, and JEA Journalist of the Year runner-up Anna Vazhaeparambil of California.
“Despite their busy college schedules, with Riley at Arkansas and Anna at Penn, both have gladly made time to join multiple chats this year,” Humphrey said.
Advisers Melissa Falkowski, CJE, of Florida, and Jim Streisel, MJE, of Indiana, will also serve as panelists.
“Both are former national National High School Journalism Teachers of the Year,” Humphrey said, “but more importantly, both advise programs with standout work on the web.”
The Journalist of the Year scholarship competition begins at the state level, with winning portfolios advancing to JEA, which in April will name one $3,000 scholarship winner and four runners-up, who each will receive $1,000 scholarships.
Lindsay Porter