Indianapolis principal named Administrator of the Year
The Journalism Education Association has chosen Evan Bryant Branigan III, principal of North Central High School in Indianapolis, as its 2013 Administrator of the Year. This award goes to an administrator who has shown a dedication to journalism education.
Brian Hayes, MJE, of Ball State University, wrote that he first met then-assistant principal Branigan seven years ago, when Branigan was chaperoning students from North Central at the fall national convention, and has followed him ever since, noting his humorous personality and his unstinting support for student journalism.
North Central’s student media adviser Tom Gayda, MJE, wrote that Branigan has attended six conventions, presenting sessions, attending luncheons, and even judging a Write-off contest when there was a need. Gayda wrote, “Mr. Branigan respects and understands the power of a free student press.”
Branigan was part of a Poynter Institute for Media Studies roundtable discussion, providing the point of view of an administrator. Branigan even hosts an hour-long radio program on the school’s radio station – The Faculty Lounge Show – which is heard throughout the city. As Gayda writes, “Principal and part-time DJ, all in one!”
Kim Green, MJE, adviser at Columbus North High School, has gotten to know Branigan over the years, and wrote, “The one things that really stands out is his support for students, and that carried over to his support of the student press. He is ‘rockin’ awesome’”.
As Indiana High School Press Association Executive Director Diana Hadley wrote, “In short, Evans Branigan is that principal all advisers appreciate.”
Branigan will receive the Administrator of the Year award Nov. 16 during the JEA/NSPA Fall National High School Journalism Convention in Boston.
The Journalism Education Association Inc., is the only independent national scholastic journalism organization for teachers and media advisers. It is headquartered at Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kan.