Heather Hanks to lead j committee
Heather Hanks, MJE, has been appointed by president Mark Newton to chair the j Committee, JEA’s student organization.
“I am so pleased that Heather has agreed to lead j. This initiative is one of our most important and Heather brings a wealth of skill and vision,” Newton said. “All of the eight candidates were qualified and we would be fortunate to have any one of them serve. Heather’s talents are simply amazing. I’m confident her vision for the program will bring it much success.”
In her letter of interest, Hanks said she has learned how to take a customer-first approach to student-based organizations. “The experience of the membership is a product that we must always keep in the forefront of our initiatives,” Hanks wrote. “All JEA members should have students in j, and providing incentives to these teachers to sponsor j in their schools should be a priority.”
Hanks said she would like to recruit a strong committee with geographic diversity. JEA members interested in serving on the j Committee should contact her as soon as possible at hhanks@gmail.com.
Hanks, who teaches at Bloomingdale High School in Valrico, Florida, a Tampa suburb, is the Florida Scholastic Press Association photography contest coordinator. She also has been involved in Odyssey of the Mind and sponsors the Gay-Straight Alliance at BHS. Hanks also is working on a master’s degree in journalism education at the University of Missouri.