Four Missouri schools earn press freedom award
Even without a state law to support them, four St. Louis-area schools showed they actively support and protect First Amendment rights of their students and teachers and have earned the 2013 First Amendment Press Freedom Award.
Francis Howell High School and Francis Howell North High School, St. Charles, Mo., Kirkwood (Mo.) High School, and Lafayette High School, Wildwood, Mo., will be recognized at the opening keynote at the JEA/NSPA High School Journalism Convention in San Francisco April 25.
This award has been co-sponsored for 13 years by the Journalism Education Association, National Scholastic Press Association and the Quill and Scroll Society.
As in previous years, schools competed for the title by first answering questionnaires submitted by an adviser and at least one editor; those who advanced to the next level were asked to provide responses from the principal and all publications advisers and student editors, indicating their support of the five freedoms. In addition, semifinalists submitted samples of their printed editorial policies.
First round applications are due annually by Dec. 1. Downloadable applications for 2014 will be available on the JEA website in the fall.