Leadership positions open with May 19 application deadline
Four additional opportunities are available for candidates interested in serving the organization. In an email to the JEAHELP member Listserv, President Sarah Nichols, MJE, encouraged members to consider applying to lead Journalist of the Year, Mentoring or Scholastic Journalism Week, or to chair the newly formed Career and Technical Education (CTE) Committee. Applications for these four positions are due May 19.
Information about each of these programs is available on the JEA website:
Prospective candidates are encouraged to take a look at what recent leaders shared in the spring report. The 2017-18 budget approved by the board also may be helpful (and is available in the board packet materials). While the board of directors is conducting an evaluation of each program, activity and initiative within the organization, the materials available online should be a great starting point to guide any ideas and questions as part of this process.
Because the CTE committee chair position is new, the appointee will have an opportunity to craft the job description and start from scratch. Committee members have identified some key questions and are in the exploratory stages to get things going.
To apply, members should submit a letter of interest that states their qualifications, goals and specific ideas for the position along with a resume attached to sarahjnichols.sjn@gmail.com by May 19.
Nichols will share the ideas and questions with board members at their retreat and planning session May 19-21 at JEA Headquarters.