CSPA announces Crown Finalists
The Columbia Scholastic Press Association released their annual list of the top scholastic publications with the announcement of the Finalists for it’s Crown Awards.
The Crown Awards honor top student publications chosen from CSPA’s members. Crowns are selected for overall excellence in a head-to-head comparison. Student publishing in news, magazine, yearbook or digital (online) formats are all-eligible. During Crown consideration, publications are judged on their excellence as shown by their design, photography, concept, coverage and writing. A total of 817 publications were eligible for judging.
Crown Finalists are actual winners, not nominees. Some will be announced as Gold Crowns; the rest are Silver Crowns. Final results will be announced and presented at the CSPA ceremonies in March 2022.
Winners in digital-related categories were:
High School Digital Literary Magazine
The Pulse / thepulsejchs.com, Johns Creek High School, Johns Creek, GA.
High School Hybrid Literary Magazine
Scroll + Scrolling / holton-arms.edu, Holton-Arms School, Bethesda, MD.
High School Hybrid General Magazine
Anthro / anthromagazine.org, Palo Alto High School, Palo Alto, CA;
C Magazine / cmagazine.org, Palo Alto High School, Palo Alto, CA;
El Estoque / elestoque.org, Monta Vista High School, Cupertino, CA;
Ingenium, McGill-Toolen Catholic High School, Mobile AL;
InLight Magazine, Maret School, Washington DC;
Statesman / lhsstatesman.com, Lincoln High School, Sioux Falls, SD;
The Lion’s Share / thelionsharejournal.com, St. Mark’s School of Texas, Dallas, TX;
The Muse / northviewmuse.com, Northview High School, Johns Creek, GA.
High School Digital News
Berkeley High Jacket / bhsjacket.com, Berkeley High School, Berkeley, CA;
Harker Aquila / harkeraquila.com, The Harker School, San Jose, CA;
Lancer Spirit / lancerspiritonline.com, Londonderry High School, Londonderry, NH;
Manual RedEye / manualredeye.com, duPont Manual High School, Louisville, KY;
Mountain Echo / aahsmountainecho.com, Altoona Area High School, Altoona, PA;
My Jag News, Claudia Taylor Johnson High School, San Antonio, TX;
Niles West News / nileswestnews.org, Niles West High School, Skokie, IL;
Pathfinder / pwestpathfinder.com, Parkway West High School, Ballwin, MO;
RamPage / jdrampage.org, Jamesville-DeWitt High School, DeWitt, NY;
Southwest Shadow / southwestshadow.com, Southwest Career and Technical Academy, Las Vegas, NV;
The Californian, California High School, San Ramon, CA;
The Feather Online / thefeather.com, Fresno Christian High School, Fresno, CA;
The Foothill Dragon Press / foothilldragonpress.org, Foothill Technology High School, Ventura, CA;
The Gator / bmgator.org, Brimmer and May School, Chestnut Hill, MA;
The Harbinger / arhsharbinger.com, Algonquin Regional High School, Northborough, MA;
The Hawk Eye / hebronhawkeye.com, Hebron High School, Carrollton, TX;
The Horizon / westwoodhorizon.com, Westwood High School, Austin, TX;
The La Salle Falconer /ç, La Salle Catholic College Preparatory, Milwaukie, OR;
The Octagon / scdsoctagon.com, Sacramento Country Day School, Sacramento, CA;
The Oracle / archeroracle.com, The Archer School for Girls, Los Angeles, CA;
The Paly Voice / palyvoice.com, Palo Alto High School, Palo Alto, CA;
The Paper Tiger / lwhspapertiger.org, Lick-Wilmerding High School, San Francisco, CA;
The Pel Mel / thepelmelmhs.com, Pelham Memorial High School, Pelham, NY;
The Raider Voice / theraidervoice.com, Gulliver Preparatory Upper School, Miami, FL;
The Red Ledger / theredledger.net, Lovejoy High School, Lucas, TX;
The Rider Online / therideronline.com, Legacy High School, Mansfield, TX;
The Rock / rockmediaonline.org, Rock Canyon High School, Highlands Ranch, CO;
The Round Table / shsroundtable.com, Stamford High School, Stamford, CT;
The Sagamore / thesagonline.com, Brookline High School, Brookline, MA;
The Smoke Signal / thesmokesignal.org, Mission San Jose High School, Fremont, CA;
The Southerner / thesoutherneronline.com, Midtown High School, Atlanta, GA;
The Voice / fhsvoice.org, Farmington High School, Farmington, CT;
Wayland Student Press Network / waylandstudentpress.com, Wayland High School, Wayland, MA;
Webb Canyon Chronicle / webbcanyonchronicle.com, The Webb Schools, Claremont, CA;
Wingspan / libertywingspan.com, Liberty High School, Frisco, TX.
High School Hybrid News
Central Times / centraltimes.org, Naperville Central High School, Naperville, IL;
Echo / slpecho.com, St. Louis Park HS, St. Louis Park, MN;
Echo / wgecho.org, Webster Groves High School, Webster Groves, MO;
HiLite / hilite.org, Carmel High School, Carmel, IN;
Inklings News / inklingsnews.com, Staples High School, Westport, CT;
Knight Errant / bsmknighterrant.org, Benilde-St. Margaret’s, Saint Louis Park, MN;
North Star / fhntoday.com, Francis Howell North High School, Saint Charles, MO;
Odyssey / odysseynewsmagazine.com, Clarke Central High School, Athens, GA;
The Accolade / shhsaccolade.com, Sunny Hills High School, Fullerton, CA;
The BluePrint / hagertyjourn.com, Hagerty High School, Oviedo, FL;
The Boiling Point / shalhevetboilingpoint.com, Shalhevet High School, Los Angeles, CA;
The Broadview / broadview.sacredsf.org, Convent of the Sacred Heart High School, San Francisco, CA;
The Campanile / thecampanile.org, Palo Alto High School, Palo Alto, CA;
The Chronicle / hwchronicle.com, Harvard-Westlake School, Studio City, CA;
The Communicator / chscommunicator.com, Community High School, Ann Arbor, MI;
The Dispatch / thedispatchonline.net, James Bowie High School, Austin, TX;
The Eagle Eye / eagleeye.news, Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, Parkland, FL;
The Harbinger / smeharbinger.net, Shawnee Mission East High School, Shawnee, KS;
The Highlander / thehighlandernews.com, McLean High School, McLean, VA;
The Inkblot / theinkblotnews.com, Communications High School, Wall, NJ;
The Kirkwood Call / thekirkwoodcall.com, Kirkwood High School, Kirkwood, MO;
The Lion’s Tale / lionstale.org, Charles E. Smith Jewish Day School, Rockville, MD;
The Messenger / marquettemessenger.com, Marquette High School, Chesterfield, MO;
The Muse / themuseatdreyfoos.com, Alexander W. Dreyfoos School of the Arts, West Palm Beach, FL;
The Phillipian / phillipian.net, Phillips Academy Andover, Andover, MA;
The Review / sjsreview.com, St. John’s School, Houston, TX;
The Royal News / trnwired.org, Prince George High School, Prince George, VA;
The Rubicon / rubiconline.com, St. Paul Academy and Summit School, Saint Paul, MN;
The Shield / macshieldonline.com, McCallum High School, Austin, TX;
The Sidekick / coppellstudentmedia.com, Coppell High School, Coppell, TX;
The Standard / standard.asl.org, The American School in London, London, England;
Tiger / tigernewspaper.com, South Pasadena High School, South Pasadena, CA;
Tiger Times / tigertimesonline.com, Texas High School, Texarkana, TX;
tjTODAY / tjtoday.org, Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology, Alexandria, VA;
Tower / tower.mastersny.org, The Masters School, Dobbs Ferry, NY;
U-High Midway / uhighmidway.com, University of Chicago Laboratory High School, Chicago, IL;
Verde / verdemagazine.com, Palo Alto High School, Palo Alto, CA.
Middle School Digital News
Livewire / aajhslivewire.com, Altoona Area Junior High School, Altoona, PA;
The Neersyde / neersyde.com, The Benjamin Middle School, North Palm Beach, FL.
High School Hybrid Yearbook
Carillon, Bellaire High School, Bellaire, TX;
Panther, H.B. Plant High School, Tampa, FL;
Peerage, Prince George High School, Prince George, VA;
Raider, Gulliver Preparatory Upper School, Miami, FL;
Tesserae / tesseraeybk.com, Corning-Painted Post High School, Corning, NY;
The Dragon, Carroll Senior High School, Southlake, TX.
Middle School Hybrid Yearbook
Raider, Gulliver Preparatory Middle School, Coral Gables, FL.
NSPA 2020-21 Yearbook Pacemakers revealed
Also announced last week were National Scholastic Press Association Pacemaker Finalists for Yearbooks.
71 Pacemaker Finalists will be honored and will receive plaques during the opening ceremony of the JEA/NSPA Spring National High School Journalism Convention at 7 p.m. Thursday, April 7, in Los Angeles.
Pacemaker winners will be announced for the first time at 3:30 p.m. Saturday, April 9, at the convention’s awards ceremony.