C:JET Volume 46, 2012-2013
Summer 2013, Vol. 46, #4
Click here to purchase the Summer 2013, Vol. 46, #4 issue of the JEA magazine.
Instagram: Launched in 2010, Instagram is an online tool for sharing photos. With 90 million registered users who have transmitted 4 billion photos, scholastic media have gotten in on the act too. Teenage journalists find ways to use the social media tool for newspapers, yearbooks and online-only publications. | by Bradley Wilson, MJE
- Honduras: As part of a project for his master’s degree, Tim Wall taught one-hour- long journalism classes to 230 fifth- and sixth-grade students in Honduras, a country in Central America. His project began by helping students define journalism. Then they moved into practicing skills, such as interviewing and writing. Ultimately, they created their own newspapers. | by Tim Wall
- Green Uniforms: When Baylor’s football team played then No. 1-ranked Kansas State, the players wore black uniforms. However, when a photo of the game appeared in Sports Illustrated, the uniforms came out green. the publication’s decision exposed the ethical dilemma surrounding digital manipulation. | by Bradley Wilson, MJE
- Going Mobile: Most recently, of the tools accessible to modern journalists, none is more revolutionary than mobile video. the ability to record video, to edit a story and to upload it with consumer-grade equipment has literally toppled governments. The great part: Students can easily take advantage of the technology. | by Michael Hernandez
Spring 2013, Vol. 46, #3
- Investigative Reporting: Investigative reporting is simply good journalism at its core. Through a variety of stories, readers learn about vital skills, such as determination, patience, curiosity, tenacity and dedication that are essential to investigative reporters. | by Trevor Ivan and Bradley Wilson, MJE
- Election 2012: Like their professional counterparts, student media outlets online, in newspapers and in yearbooks spent time this fall covering local, regional and national elections. Coverage includes samples from 11 schools in 10 states, from California to North Carolina supplemented with more coverage online at jea.org.
- Word of the Year: Dictionary.com chose “bluster” as the word that summarized a tumultuous and extreme year — 2012. It means both “to roar and be tumultuous, as wind” and “noisy, empty threats or protests.” The challenge: Did “bluster” appear in your 2012 student media?
- Some Like It Hot: More than 4,500 people attended the national convention in San Antonio. Everyone had a favorite educational session — everything from “The Convergent Beat System” to “Taming the Grading Monster.”
- Top Stories: In a survey of more than 150 scholastic media advisers and others, the top 10 stories included the re-election of Barack Obama (No. 1) and Hurricane Sandy (No. 2). As the calendar flips to 2013, the implications of the top two stories show how savvy advisers were in their choices. | by Bradley Wilson, MJE
- Color of the Year: Last year, it was Tangerine Tango, a color that suggests energy and action. For 2013, Pantone chose Emerald, a color that suggests well-being, balance and harmony as well as wealth. The question: How will Pantone’s choice influence color decisions for scholastic publications?
Winter 2012, Vol. 46, #2
Click here to purchase the Winter 2012, Vol. 46, #2 issue of the JEA magazine

Portrait by Ann Beach, Allen(Texas) High School
- SPORTS PHOTOGRAPHY – Sporting events are full of surprises, tension, laughter and irony. Too often, scholastic publications fail to capture the cliffhangers, the excitement and the disappointment. Visual coverage has to go beyond the surface.
- TRAVEL – During their summer months, hundreds of workshop instructors travel throughout the nation to educate students about all aspects of media production. While students learn new skills, instructors expand their knowledge and develop new ways of teaching. | By Linda Barrington, MJE
- REGIONAL WORKSHOPS – Summer months are not the only time instructors travel extensively to educate students. State organizations also sponsor a series of short regional workshops in the fall to take classes to the students. | By Marie Parsons and Bradley Wilson, CJE
- RECRUITMENT – Recruitment must be a year-round focus. It has to be a well-planned enterprise that involves both the adviser and top student leaders. Summaries of survey results and personal comments show how journalism teachers achieve success in recruiting strong staffs. | By Bradley Wilson, CJE
- STORYTELLING – Publications that tell stories with dramatic action, emotional satisfaction and intellectual evaluation engage readers in stories that nurture learning and discovery. | By Linda Puntney, MJE
Fall 2012, Vol. 46, #1
Click here to purchase the Fall 2012, Vol. 46, #1 issue of the JEA magazine

Cover Photo by André Woodard, West Brook High School (Beaumont, Texas)
- THE DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION – Going online is no longer optional. As mass media evolve, educators must prepare journalists through their reporting, photography, editing, video and audio skills to be digital communicators. | By Patrick Johnson, Kelly Furnas, Dixie McGrath and Howard Spanogle
- IMAGINATIVE TUTORIALS – Together with student-produced artwork and a little imagination, online tutorials in Adobe Photoshop can lead students to produce creative work with original insights. | By André Woodard
- INNOVATIVE COVERAGE – From Sterling High School in Kansas, this small school shows that innovative coverage styles are not restricted to large high schools. | With Travis Feil, adviser, and Alyssa Johnson, editor
- THE BIG STORY – To produce more than simply a superficial story, reporters need to step outside the classroom and spend time with their sources to look beyond the surface of the story. | By Scott Winter
- THE PROMOTABLE THEME – In a society where instant gratification is the norm, advisers conclude that schools should use their theme as part of a yearlong marketing plan. | By Bradley Wilson, CJE
- THE NEWSROOM VIA HBO – “The Newsroom,” an HBO drama series created and primarily written by Aaron Sorkin (of “The West Wing”), premiered on HBO June 24. The program features the behind-the-scenes drama of a cable news network. | By Bradley Wilson, CJE