C:JET Volume 41, 2007-2008
December 14, 2008

Cover photo by Colin Borwn
Fall 2007, Vol. 41, #1
Click here to purchase the Summer 2012, Vol. 45, #4 issue of the JEA magazine
- “Helvetica: Happy 50th Anniversary” by Bradley Wilson
- “Can Courage Outmaneuver Danger?”
- Introduction by Howard Spanogle
- “Photographer John Moore Recounts Experience in War Zones of the World” by Bobby Hawthorne
- “Danger on the Internet with a Staff Exposing Complications of Fraud” by Carol Richtsmeier
- “Courage: The Required Ticket to Honest Reporting” by Bobby Hawthorne
- “Courage on the Scene with High-School Editor Amid Chaos” by Steve Thompson
- “Danger/Courage in the Journalism Lab Where Journalists Prepare Their Minds” by Julie Price and Tricia Bobeda
- “Courage with the Adviser as the Staff Encounters Danger” by commentary by Terri Nelson, Jeanne Acton, Jeff Nardone and Dow Tate
- “Photography Under the Sea” by Bradley Wilson
- “Verb Tenses”
- “CS3 Upgrade Provides Minimal New Features” by Bradley Wilson
- “All that Jazz About Newspapers: Any Moves for Improvisation?” by Wayne Brasler

Cover photo by Zach Hetrick
Winter 2007, Vol. 41, #2
Click here to purchase the Winter 2007, Vol. 41, #2 issue of the JEA magazine
- Alternative story forms by Andy Bechtel
- Being a state director by Bob Button
- Photography scavenger hunts by Bradley Wilson
- Verb aspect
- Spelling by Heath Gardner
- File formats
- Trading spaces by Sue Ellen Christian
Spring 2008, Vol. 41, #3
Click here to purchase the Spring 2008, Vol. 41, #3 issue of the JEA magazine

Cover photo by Robert Boag of Lafayette High School (Williamsburg, Va., Janis Barrett, adviser).
- Portraits by Rebecca Lichtig with critiques by Thomas Price, Brian Powell, John Beale, Randy Flaum, Bill Ragan
- Working with second graders by Jeff Nardone
- Scholastic press law
Update by Gerry Appel
Partnerships for comprehension of the First Amendment by Warren Watson
Washington state legislation by Josie Bode
Legal cases of importance by Tyler Dukes
Future of the First Amendment survey results - Style matters: fashion coverage in yearbooks and newspapers
- Verb mood
- Macintosh OSX Update: Leopard
- Blog, Blog, Blog by Carol Richtsmeier
Summer 2008, Vol. 41, #4
Click here to purchase the Summer 2008, Vol. 41, #4 issue of the JEA magazine

Cover photo by Laura Carroll, Marcus High School (Flower Mound, Texas; Lori Herbst, adviser).
- Writing process by Janet Ewell with artwork by Mark McLawhorn. A structured plan nurtures teamwork to turn story ideas into fluent text. Thoughtful suggestions help staffs and advisers develop ways to upgrade stories, whether when brainstorming, rewriting or evaluating.
- Science reporting by Tyler Dukes and Kathleen Neumeyer. Health and science reporting provides timely opportunities to research critical subjects. Insights from a medical specialist broaden the perspective.
- Stylebook updates. The Associated Press Stylebook, like the dictionary, is constantly evolving. The source is a necessity in an up-to-date journalism lab.
- Verb voice. In the last of a four-part series, teachers review the voice of a verb with an emphasis on avoiding passive voice. The essential skill guarantees more forceful writing by journalists.
- Web finds by Lori Oglesbee, Chad Rummel and Mark Murray. From the ridiculous to the informative, the Web is a boundless source of information. The Web continues to build on a short but productive history.
- From the editor by Bradley Wilson. The editor recognizes that 10 years of deadlines have led to a resourceful magazine that enlightens JEA members.