C:JET Volume 38, 2004-2005
December 13, 2005
Fall 2004, Vol. 38, #1
Click here to purchase the Fall 2004, Vol. 38, #1 issue of the JEA magazine

Cover photo by Sarah Blocher
- Covering Crime
- “Do Your Homework; Know the People and the Rules; Double Check Everything ” by Ted Gest
- “Gaining Access to Scenes” from the Student Press Law Center
- “Journalist Ethnics ” by David Kraucek
- “Covering Crime and Its Victims ” by Suzette Hackney
- “Race, Ethnic Issues and Crime ” by Melissa Moore
- “Photograhing the Scene”
- “Criminal Justice Journalists” by Ted Gest
- “Student Publications Localize Conflict in Iraq”
- “Cultivating Sources: The Sources Are the Story “ by Dale Harrison
- “A Tale of Two Interviews “ by David Knight
- “Using Childrens’ Books in Journalism Programs” by Pat Graff
- “Create a Pint-Sized Photo Book” by Pat Gathright
- “Top 10 Reasons to Use InDesign for Scholastic Media” by Bradley Wilson
- “Perception or Reality: Obtaining a Diverse Membership Remains a Challenge for JEA” by Mark Sneed
Winter 2004, Vol. 38, #2
Click here to purchase the Winter 2004, Vol. 38, #2 issue of the JEA magazine

Cover photo by Liz Turpin, The Kinkaid School (Houston); David Veselka, instructor
- Grading
- “What’s a Teacher To Do?” by Candace Perkins Bowen with H.L. Hall, Susan Hathaway Tantillo and John Bown
- “Taking the Mystery Out of Grading” by Mary Lou Nagy
- “Self-Assess” by Janis Hatfield
- “Rubrics” by Nancy Freeman
- “Pinhole Photography” by Ralph Howell
- “Rasterization: What high-resolution means in printing world” by Bradley Wilson
- “Alternative Copy” by Josh Bohling
- “Little Logic in State Requirements: Credit Policies Need to be More Flexible” by Dawayna Sanders
CLICK HERE for the online feature accompanies the feature package in the winter 2004 issue of JEA’s magazine, Communication: Journalism Education Today, vol. 38, no. 2.
Spring 2005, Vol. 38, #3
Click here to purchase the Spring 2008, Vol. 38, #3 issue of the JEA magazine
- “Negative Space” by Ann Akers and Paul Ender
- Gallery: “Four Major Hurricanes Hit the South“
- “Unifying Concept: Theme More Than a Catch Phrase; Unifies Presentation and Coverage” by Pete LeBlanc and Dan Austin
- “Unique Handle: An Integral Part of the Book” by Nancy Hastings
- Mini-feature: “Marketing: From Students to Parents – Sharing Sales Strategies“
- “A prophecy for 2005: Online Design Shapes Smart Look for New Era” with predictions by James Archer and Cameron Moll
- “Standards for ‘Highly Qualified’ Teachers Are Arbitrary: Intelligence Left Outside” by Kevin Kneisley
Summer 2005, Vol. 38, #4
Click here to purchase the Summer 2005, Vol. 38, #4 issue of the JEA magazine

Cover photo by Evan Semon
- “The Amazing Technicolor Publication: Make Publications Walking Works of Art” by Mike Dunlap, Kathy Habiger and Mike Taylor
- “Clean & Classy: Portraits of High-School Athletes” by Evan Semón
- “‘You have to be committed’: Indiana designer produces innovative, customized football wraps” featuring special football supplements by Matt Erickson of The Times of Northwest Indiana
- “Credibility, recognition: motivations for creation of national journalism certification program” by Carla Harris, Ken Siver, Julie Dodd and Linda Puntney
- “Develop thinkers and writers to make readers uncomfortable: Knight Foundation survey results ‘chilling’“ by Jack Kennedy