C:JET Volume 34, 2000-2001
December 13, 2001
Fall 2000, Vol. 34, #1
- “Coverage of Politics” by Bradley Wilson
- “The Nation’s Center of Power” by Andrew Wind
- “Covering Politics Gives Iowa Students a Chance to Work with Professionals” by Ryan Gruber
- “Scholastic Reporters Covering Nantional Candidates Learn, Experience Frustration” by Neema Trivedi
- “Writing Editorials” by Don Botts
- “Writing an Editorial Means Doing Research and Rewriting” by Don Botts
- “The Editorial Board Provides Diverse Viewpoints and a Chance to Re-think Opinion” by Francine Martinez
- “Reading Columns: That’s Easy; Writing Them, That’s a Different Story” by Howard Spanogle
- “An Exercise in Writing an Editorial” by Pat Graff
- “The Colophon: More Than Simply an Editor’s Note“
- “Shhh! Don’t Tell: Advertising Design Impacts Sales” by Laura Schaub and Roy Kelsey
- “Look Around: Lessons from an Internship” by Rob Mattson
Winter 2000, Vol. 34, #2
- “Broadcast Journalism in the High School Curriculum” by Judith Cramer and Barbara Fowles
- “I Consider What I Do a Privilege” by Kris Patrow
- “Internship Provides Instructor with a Fresh Approach” by Steve Youngblood
- “Storytelling Makes Sometimes Hectic Job Worthwhile” by Tracy Madden
- “Class Produces Daily Newscast” by Celia Simon
- “Broadcast Experience Gives Senior Insight” by Rachel Pickel
- “Assignment Editor Puts Pieces in Place” by Jeff Hamburger
- “Starter Kit for Your Bag of Tricks” by Kevin Johnson
- “Practical Resources“
- “Video Equipment for the Classroom“
- “Column Heads Continue to Give Paper an Identity“
- “Writing an Entertainment Review: Be Critical” by Robert Greenman and Logan Aimone
- “Why You Can’t Just Enlarge a Digital Photograph” by Bradley Wilson

Cover photo by Erik Palmer
Spring 2001, Vol. 34, #3
- “Running with the Numbers” by Jo Craven McGinty
- “Journalism Beyond High School” by Sally Turner
- “Using College Connections” by Sally Turner
- “Photographing Track Meets” by Erik Palmer
- “Photoshop 6 Converges Web, Print Photograph-Editing Capabilities” by Bradley Wilson
Summer 2001, Vol. 34, #4

Cover photo by Shane Bevel
- “Convergence: Bringing Together New and Old Technologies” by Candace Bowen
- “Still Photographers Shooting Video” by Tela Durbin
- “Tampa: Web, TV, Print Working Together” by Candace Bowen
- “Slang” by Scoobie Ryan
- “Giving Credit Where Credit is Due: The Photo Credit”
- “Focus on Learning and Technology” by Marsha Kalkowski
- “Negative Scanners: Still Develop Film Then Go Digital
- “Buying a Digital Camera”
- “Adobe Releases New Image-Editing Software”
- “Printers”
- “The Olympics” by David Bergman