Board votes on endorsement of IJEA resolution
The JEA board of directors voted 15-0 on April 16 to endorse this resolution from the Illinois Journalism Education Association.
Resolution Supporting Scholastic Journalism Practitioners, Programs & Media
Scholastic journalism has been a part of high school curriculums for decades; and
The goal of scholastic journalism programs across the nation is to enable young people to learn and practice journalism by appreciating and applying the substance and spirit of the First Amendment when they are guided by collaboration defending the First Amendment; and
Research has shown that students who are trained in and practice journalism have a higher achievement level on standardized tests and college English classes; and
Young journalists are taught and mentored by dedicated and skilled journalism educators who passionately teach the fundamentals of ethical and nonbiased reporting, writing, and editing; and
Journalism and student media programs introduce high school students to a free and responsible press by producing media that serves as designated public forums, now therefore, be it
RESOLVED that the Illinois Journalism Education Association urges school district and school administrators to preserve, enhance and support independent student media; and be it further
RESOLVED that the Illinois Journalism Education Association supports and defends media advisers and strongly urges the end of random reassignment or removal of advisers without due cause; and be it further
RESOLVED that the Illinois Journalism Education Association applauds and staunchly defends the efforts of journalism educators for providing students the skills and education to produce free, responsible and independent student media.