This fall’s convention is completely virtual, and with that comes many accommodations and changes to programs and processes that usually accompany an on-site convention.

For an on-site convention, attendees show up, find a seat and enjoy the experience. 

For a virtual convention, however, attendees need to access the convention platform through your personal or school devices and internet protocols.

Here is more information to help you prepare.

Convention platform

Attendees are given a unique username and password to access convention materials on the Hubb convention platform starting Nov. 16. Most educational programming will be available on the convention dates, Nov. 19-21, and then on demand until Jan. 15, 2021. is a cloud-based event platform. Attendees can access the platform through any web browser. Hubb recommends Chrome, Edge or Firefox. Internet Explorer is discouraged as some advanced features may not work.

Attendees should make sure to enable Javascript on their browsers and ensure that any firewalls or security protocols allow chat functionality and video streaming.

Attendees will need an internet connection that can reliably stream HD videos — at least 4 mbps.

Ninety percent of the educational programming happens within the Hubb platform through on-demand videos, interactive chats and live streams. The video hosting platform, Vimeo, is used to share the videos and live streams, but attendees won’t have any interaction with Vimeo directly. 

About 10% of the programming utilizes Hubb’s Zoom technology. Attendees will not need their own Zoom accounts or the Zoom desktop application. These smaller Zoom meetings are used primarily for the trade show, adviser breakout sessions and roundtable discussions but will be employed for two student programs — Swap Shops and Break with a Pro.

If schools are not allowing students to experience Zoom in any capacity, then do not register your students for these two programs. Hubb’s Zoom technology is also used for NSPA critiques and consultations.

If you would like access to a demo site to test your connectivity, please contact JEA’s Lindsay Porter, at

Lindsay Porter

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