Applications now open for 2018 Curriculum Initiative positions
A few changes
For the 2018 curriculum cycle, we are stepping away from content creation to spend a year focusing on revision and usability of the curriculum. We currently have hundreds of lessons and more content than an educator could possibly teach in a year.
The next iteration of curriculum leaders will help us refine and revise these lessons to make this valuable resource even more accessible and user-friendly. Specifically, chosen leaders for the curriculum initiative in the 2018 iteration will help us address the following goals:
- To make the curriculum more user-friendly and accessible to navigate
- To deepen our resources for differentiation to support advisers with students of all levels
To do so, JEA will select up to six leaders to fill new positions as curriculum editors who will work with our curriculum coordinators, Shari Adwers, MJE, and Abri Nelson, CJE.
New positions: curriculum editors
Interested members can apply for one of six new curriculum editor positions described below. Applicants will go through an interview and skills demonstration process in addition to an online application.
Usability editor (two positions available):
These editors will focus on visualizing the curriculum, creating usable lesson maps, linking content across lessons, updating and replacing links, soliciting new and diverse examples, and making changes to the way content is presented. Experience with WordPress required.
Differentiation editor (four positions available):
These editors will focus on creating content for students with diverse needs, including special education, English language learners and middle school students. Experience teaching diverse populations preferred. One leader will be hired in each area: Special education, ELL, middle school and advanced/gifted and talented.
All curriculum editors also will help the curriculum coordinators to build a database that documents and tracks curriculum content, helping to create a foundation for the curriculum initiative for years to come. Educational Initiatives Director Megan Fromm, MJE, will continue to oversee the curriculum as part of her elected position. Click here to apply.
The next curriculum term will begin May 1 and continue through April 30, 2019.
- March 15 – April 15: Curriculum leader application open
- April 15: Application deadline
- April 16 – April 30: Google Hangout or Skype interviews
- May 1: Curriculum leaders announced, term begins
- May 1 – June 1: Identification and planning of goals and priorities, initial data collection
- June 1 – Sept. 15: First round of edits/revisions complete
- Sept. 15 – March 15: Second round of edits/revisions complete
- March 15 – April 30: Final round of edits/revisions complete
Because this year’s curriculum focus is on revision and usability, the selected editors will work with content coordinators to develop a specific plan of action relevant to their area. All training and collaboration for this upcoming curriculum cycle will happen remotely via phone and video conferencing, and curriculum editors will not be required to attend Advisers Institute.
Curriculum editors earn a $1,500 stipend for completing their work by deadline. The first installment will be $500, issued in July based on the initial planning and data collection period.
In the time between June and September, editors and leaders can work at their own pace to complete their agreed-upon revisions. Following successful completion of their work and ability to meet deadlines, leaders will receive the second installment of the stipend ($500). Finally, after another round of revisions and a wrap-up data collection period, leaders will receive their third installment of the stipend ($500).
As the largest organization in the country for journalism teachers and advisers, JEA serves the scholastic media community by providing resources to its members so they can offer their students the strongest programs possible. To read more about the initiative and its most recent team, or to access the members-only repository of lessons, visit the curriculum site.
To apply, follow this link.