Agenda for Nov. 1, 2018 Board of Directors Meeting
Journalism Education Association Board Meeting Nov. 1, 2018 • 8 a.m.
Randolph 1AB, Concourse Level • Hyatt Regency • Chicago
I. Call to order — Sarah Nichols (8 a.m.)
II. Roll call and determination of quorum — Val Kibler
III. Reading of notice of meeting — Val Kibler
IV. Approval of minutes — Sarah Nichols
V. Affirmation of electronic votes — Sarah Nichols
A. Motion to host the National High School Journalism Convention in Los Angeles at the Westin Bonaventure for spring 2022 and 2027 (passed 5-0, June 27, 2018)
VI. Approval of agenda — Sarah Nichols
VII. Commendations — Sarah Nichols
A. Lizabeth Walsh — Kim Green
B. Howard Spanogle, Connie Fulkerson — Bradley Wilson
C. Mitch Eden — Bradley Wilson
D. Ellen Austin, Michelle Balmeo, Kyle Carter, Margie Raper, Brian Wilson — Val Kibler
E. Aaron Manfull — Sarah Nichols
F. Becky Tallent — Sarah Nichols
VIII. Reports (8:30 a.m.)
A. Write-offs — Nancy Smith, Kate Dubiel
B. Conventions — Kelly Glasscock
C. Headquarters — Kelly Glasscock 1. Documentation of subsequent events
D. Committee and editor reports
E. JEA/NSPA Partner Project — Val Kibler
F. Curriculum — Megan Fromm
G. National Critique Training — Sarah Nichols
IX. New business (10 a.m.)
A. Portland spring 2021 — Kelly Glasscock
B. Philadelphia fall 2021 — Kelly Glasscock
C. Regional boundaries — Sarah Nichols
D. Review of 990 — Kelly Glasscock
E. JEA/KSU contract — Sarah Nichols
X. Adjournment (1:30 p.m.)