Agenda for April 25, 2013, board of directors meeting
The Journalism Education Association board of directors will meet at 8 a.m. on Thursday, April 25, 2013, in Foothill G of the San Francisco Marriott Marquis. Download the packet of supporting materials, including motions and amendments.
I. Call to order — Mark Newton (8 a.m.)
II. Roll call — Mitch Eden
III. Approval of minutes — Mitch Eden
IV. Affirmation of electronic votes — Mitch Eden
A. Motion to endorse the 2013-2014 “Tinker Tour.” (passed 11-0, Feb. 10, 2013)
B. Motion to accept proposal from the Sheraton Seattle and Washington State Convention Center to host the 2017 Spring JEA/NSPA National High School Journalism Convention. (passed 15-0, March 18, 2013)
V. Approval of agenda — Mark Newton
VI. Commendations — Mark Newton
A. Connie Fulkerson
B. Lori Oglesbee-Petter
C. Megan Fromm
D. John Bowen and SPRC committee
E. John Bowen and SPRC committee
F. Norma Kneese
VII. Old business (8:30 a.m.)
A. Position statements update — Mitch Eden
B. Junior High/Middle School Write-offs revision — Anita Wertz
C. Board restructuring — John Bowen and Jack Kennedy
i. Amendment — Tom Gayda
VIII. New business (9 a.m.)
A. Budget — Mark Newton
i. Amendment (membership dues) — Tom Gayda
ii. Amendment (magazine publishing) — Tom Gayda
iii. Amendment (SPLC donation) — John Bowen
iv. Amendment (Mentoring) — Julie Dodd and Linda Barrington
B. Conflict of interest policy — Brenda Gorsuch
C. Online magazine repository — Tom Gayda
D. Travel reallocations — John Bowen
IX. Reports (1 p.m.)
A. Magazine committee — Bradley Wilson
B. Headquarters/RFP update — Mark Newton
C. Nominations committee — Jack Kennedy
D. Headquarters — Kelly Furnas
E. Q&A
X. Adjournment and work sessions (1:30 p.m.)
An optional follow-up meeting will be at 9 a.m. in the JEA suite at the San Francisco Marriott Marquis.
The next meeting will be at 8 a.m., Nov. 14, in Boston.