Agenda for April 12, 2018 Board of Directors Meeting
Journalism Education Association Board Meeting
April 12, 2018 • 8:30 a.m.
Foothill C, Second Level
Marriott Marquis • San Francisco
I. Call to order — Sarah Nichols (8:30 a.m.)
II. Roll call and determination of quorum — Connie Fulkerson
III. Reading of notice of meeting — Connie Fulkerson
IV. Approval of minutes — Sarah Nichols
V. Affirmation of electronic votes — Sarah Nichols
A. Motion to support New Voices of Washington Senate Bill 5064 (passed 7-0, Feb. 17, 2018)
B. Motion to to support New Voices of New York Senate Bill 7721 and Assembly Bill A9801 (passed 7-0, Feb. 17, 2018)
C. Motion to host the 2019 Advisers Institute at the Ace Hotel in New Orleans (passed 6-0, Jan. 26, 2018)
D. Motion to join NAMLE as an Organizational Partner (passed 7-0, Nov. 30, 2017)
VI. Approval of agenda — Sarah Nichols
VII. Commendations — Sarah Nichols
A. Adam Dawkins — Evelyn Lauer
B. Dr. Jean Folkerts — Sarah Nichols
C. Melissa Falkowski, Sarah Lerner — Sarah Nichols
D. Carmen Wendt — Sarah Nichols
VIII. Reports (9 a.m.)
A. Write-offs and Quiz Bowl — Nancy Smith
B. Conventions — Kelly Glasscock
C. Headquarters — Kelly Glasscock
1. Website
2. Documentation of subsequent events
3. Advisers Institute
D. Committee and editor reports
1. Journalist of the Year — Rebecca Pollard
2. Mentoring — Patrick Johnson
3. JEA One Book — Evelyn Lauer
4. CTE — Nina Quintana
5. Curriculum — Megan Fromm
6. Broadcast Adviser of the Year — Karen Slusher
7. JEA/NSPA Partner Program — Val Kibler
IX. New business (11 a.m.)
A. Approval of 2018-19 budget — Kelly Glasscock
B. New Voices workshop — Lori Keekley
C. NCTE Village — Sarah Nichols
D. JEA Power Hour — Sarah Nichols
X. Adjournment (3 p.m.)