Agenda for April 10, 2014, board of directors meeting
The Journalism Education Association board of directors will meet at 8 a.m. on Thursday, April 10, 2014, in Aqua Salons AB of the Hilton San Diego Bayfront.
I. Call to order — Mark Newton (8 a.m.)
II. Roll call and determination of quorum — Mitch Eden
III. Reading of notice of meeting — Mitch Eden
IV. Approval of minutes — Mitch Eden
V. Affirmation of electronic votes — Mitch Eden
A. Motion to endorse the “1 for All” program. (passed 13-0, March 11, 2014)
VI. Approval of agenda — Mark Newton
VII. Commendations — Mark Newton
A. Lizabeth Walsh, MJE (Certification Option C)
B. Pam Boller (HQ staff, increased advertising)
C. Lori Keekley, MJE and Megan Fromm, CJE (curriculum editing)
D. Nancy Smith, MJE (service to JEA)
E. Linda Barrington, MJE (service to JEA)
F. Peggy Gregory, MJE (service to JEA)
G. Bradley Wilson, MJE (service to JEA)
H. Brian Wilson, MJE (service to JEA)
I. Aaron Manfull, MJE (BAOY, service to JEA)
J. Kim Green, MJE (service to JEA)
K. Anita Marie Wertz, MJE (service to JEA)
L. Jane Blystone, MJE (service to JEA)
M. Sandra Coyer, MJE (service to JEA)
N. Brenda Gorsuch, MJE (service to JEA)
O. Gary Lindsay, MJE (service to JEA)
P. Wayna Polk, MJE (service to JEA)
Q. Rod Satterthwaite, MJE (service to JEA)
R. Mitch Eden, MJE (service to JEA)
S. Jack Kennedy, MJE (service to JEA)
VIII. Old business (8:30 a.m.)
A. Certification Poynter project — Kim Green
B. Convention hotel options — Kelly Furnas
C. JEA/KSU contract — Mark Newton
IX. New business (9 a.m.)
A. Advertising — Bradley Wilson
B. Convention proposal, fall 2017 — Kelly Furnas
C. 2014-15 budget — Mark Newton
X. Reports (10:30 a.m.)
A. NSPA report — Diana Mistu Klos
B. BAOY — Aaron Manfull
C. Conventions update — Kelly Furnas
D. Headquarters report — Kelly Furnas
E. Curriculum project — Kelly Furnas and Sarah Nichols
F. JEA Day of Doing — Mark Newton
G. FAPFA award and other First Amendment recognition — John Bowen
H. SPRC/CSJ research — John Bowen
I. New board structure — Mark Newton
J. Q&A
XI. Adjournment and work sessions (1:30 p.m.)
A follow-up meeting will be at 2:30 p.m. on Saturday, April 12, 2014, in Aqua 313 of the Hilton San Diego Bayfront