JEA Advisers Institute: Terms and Conditions

July 14-16, 2025 | Providence, Rhode Island

The Journalism Education Association is a dynamic, adviser-focused organization serving a diverse media community. To develop and support effective media advisers, JEA must protect scholastic press and speech freedoms of advisers and their students; provide an environment that attracts, develops and retains the best educators in the profession; build diversity at the scholastic and professional levels; promote and demonstrate educational use of the latest technologies, and provide innovative, consistent and quality services.

By attending any JEA event, you agree to follow JEA’s Adviser Code of Ethics and Commitment to Diversity (both found under the Statements). Failure to follow these guidelines may result in membership/event participation being revoked. The event hotel’s terms and conditions also apply that are listed on the hotel reservation page.

Refund Policy

In the event of you need to cancel your attendance at the event:

  • Full refund granted before registration deadline.
  • No refund granted for event registration after registration deadline.
  • You may transfer your event registration to another person.