I sat down to write a post for the site today and notice a new WordPress feature that I hadn’t before.
I was going to use the post area in the backend of WordPress to collect a few links that I was going to share on a topic. I copied the first URL from the browser bar and dropped it into the working post area and this happened…
I literally just pasted a link that should have just looked like this (http://fusion.net/story/285332/instagram-turn-on-notifications/), but that happened.
I tried another site and got this…
The URL I dropped in was (http://fortune.com/2016/03/29/instagram-algorithmic-filtering-concerns/) but WordPress automatically updated the URL to the story’s headline.
This doesn’t work with all links from the web but does work with many. I obviously missed the update that happened with WordPress 4.4 that happened back in December. Figured someone else may have as well so here’s some info about the embed feature in 4.4 (and even how you can disable it if you want).
You also may be interested that WordPress is hoping to update to version 4.5 soon. They are thinking it may drop April 12. You can read about some of the changes that the release will have here:
Written By: Aaron Manfull