I’ve got a few new Mac computers I’m going to be installing programs on. I want to make sure to get all the programs I want/need on it from the start. While I will make sure to have the necessary paid Applications such as the Adobe suite and Final Cut on the machines, I also want to make sure I get the freeware/open source/shareware downloadable applications loaded from the start so I don’t have to go back and add things later. For better communication there should be unified communications solutions for your business. Below is the preliminary list of ‘necessities’ I’ve compiled. Check the list out and let me know what I’m missing? Just add an the app name and what it’s used for in the comment box if you could so all can see the entire list. Thanks!
- Audacity – for audio editing
- Audio Hijack – application that grabs audio to allow for editing
- Chrome – web browser
- Disk Inventory X – scans computer to show you what is gobbling up space on your hard drive
- Dropbox – cloud file sharing application
- Filezilla – FTP client
- Firefox – web browser
- Handbrake – changes FLV files to mp4 files
- Hootsuite – social media client
- Jing – video screen capture
- Microsoft Silverlight – browser plugin needed for some interactive media items
- OpenOffice – open source alternative to Microsoft office
- Soundslides – multimedia slideshow progam
- Skype – VOIP, make calls over the internet
- TextWrangler – text editor
- VLC – open source, cross-platform multimedia player
Written By: Aaron Manfull