What Can You Do That You Have Never Done Before?

header-what-v2I recently shared a video clip with my Photography II classes featuring National Geographic Photographer Jodi Cobb. She ends with this powerful mantra her family embraced: “What can I do that I have never done before?”

As I mulled that over in my mind, it hit me that this not only applies to living an enriched life, but it applies to what any Journalism teacher should embrace.

While we must remember the fundamentals (I am channeling Gene Hackman from Hoosiers there), we also have to be willing to do those things we have never done before and encourage our students to do so as well.

Have you and/or your students ever…

…done a live sports broadcast?
…added at least two social media platforms to promote student work?
…built a website?
…took the time to point out the good traits in each and every team member?
…had a meal together as a whole staff?
…entered a timed competition?
…attended a state or national conference?
…toured a local television or radio station?
…reported on a topic that made your administration nervous?
…took the time to find “that” student that no one knows their story, and told it?
…made a lip dub?
…watched a photography tutorial and then put it into practice?
…figured out how to create a GIF and use it?
…written sincere thank you notes to people who have been interviewed for your program?
…interviewed a local veteran?
…spent a day shadowing another school’s program?
…sent students/staff to a summer media/Journalism camp?
…asked another school’s staff to swap story ideas over skype or even old-school email?
…produced a documentary?
…let your staff help create the grading rubric for projects?
…learned what a podcast is and created one?
…invited local media professionals into your classroom to speak to your staff?
…sought out a mentor or mentored others?

If you answered no to any of these questions, what are you waiting for? Do what Jodi Cobb suggests, and find that one thing you have never done and do it!

Note: you can find many resources right here on JEADigitalMedia to help you do much of what is on that list.

Written By: Michelle Turner