Want to Learn WordPress? Lynda.com is offering 6+ Hours of Training for free through Aug. 24

Lynda.com is offering free training on WordPress through Aug. 24.

I talk about Lynda.com often as being a great resource for educators and students to learn how to use different programs. They offer great video tutorials on everything from Photoshop and Indesign to HTML and Photography. While there is a fee to use their services (which I think is has more than reasonable pricing for what they offer), they are currently offering WordPress training for free through Aug. 24 for people who Like them on Facebook.

While the video tutorials are for WordPress.com and most staffs will be using the standalone version of WordPress, the tutorials are still great for giving advisers and students the training they need to feel comfortable using the program.

All you have to do is Like Lynda.com on Facebook and you will have access to their free tutorials. If you aren’t on Facebook, you can still access the tutorials here.

There are 6 hours and 38 minutes of total training with this course. Lessons are broken down into 1-10 minute segments.

This is a great opportunity for advisers and students over the next two weeks to get some great WordPress training for free.

Written By: Aaron Manfull