Use more finesse with iPhone photography

If you missed the previous tips from David Molnar on how to shoot fireworks, you won’t want to miss his recent offerings.

Currently, he has pdfs and 5 videos to watch and learn for the most common iPhone photography mistakes and how to avoid them.

I know I get squeamish about “free” nowadays.  Do I sign up and risk the endless social media connection I asked for?

However, Molnar offers strategies that can be used in the classroom, or that can be used to learn your own schtick for the classroom.

For example, I had already learned how to manually focus my iPhone, but I didn’t know that by using two more seconds in making that manual touch to focus, I could also lock it in.  Perhaps this isn’t what you needed to learn, but I bet there’s something in there that is.

His sight might also serve advisers that ask students to take tutorials and teach the staff something they learned.  If so, this should definitely be on your top 10 list of suggested sites.

Written By: Michelle Harmon