Although the quiz bowl was established in the past few years, it has become one of the most exciting events for students at the national convention.
My students were thrilled to qualify at the regional level, and there was no question that they wanted me to sign them up for the $50 national quiz bowl competition at the recent JEA/NSPA Seattle Convention.
“I’m so glad you enjoyed the event,” April (Ryan) van Buren, contest director, said to me in an email, ” and I hope it was another avenue for getting your kids excited about studying journalism facts and terminology, and all the content we covered.”
Now that there is a regional component as well, it makes it a competition smiled upon by Career and Technical Education proponents. CTE programs must join student organizations that have regional, state, and national events. Although JEA is not an approved CSTO, it doesn’t hurt that the organization is providing CTE-level contests.
On the Friday of the convention, teams convened for a written test. The top 16 qualified for the buzzer round.
On Saturday of the convention, the buzzer rounds eliminated and promoted teams. Here’s how this year’s rivalry played out. Click the bracket for the link to the Quiz Bowl results this year.
Written By: Michelle Harmon