Tips on how to record a Skype video call from Jimmy Flores
I was recently looking for a way to record a Skype video call for use later. I spent much of an afternoon exploring different options I stumbled on through Google search but nothing was really jumping out at me. So, I did what I normally do when I hit a wall — I turned to Twitter.
My favorite reco from that plea for help came from @detroitnews
I clicked the link and video atop the post and 23 minutes and 47 seconds later felt a whole lot smarter.
The link sent me to a post by Jimmy Flores on his site where he has a little text that gives some tips and tricks on recording a Skype video, but the best part of what he has posted is a video walking viewers through everything from the equipment they should have on hand to why they should Pony up $20 for the Call Recorder software. I was desperately looking for a free option for the recording, but after he showed off the software and I thought about what I was actually wanting, I realized that $20 was well worth the price to pay.
If you’re looking to record Skype interviews for classroom lessons or you’re looking for ways reporters can record interviews to post online, I highly recommend How to record Skype video calls, interview guests and create great content by Jimmy Flores.
Written By: Aaron Manfull