If you’re looking for details on the latest piece of tech, you can skip past this. But WAIT–maybe you’re looking for something to help inspire your staff’s leadership team and possibly make them think a little more deeply about handling the challenges we all face daily. Or, maybe, you need some centering of your own as we move into another chaotic year.
The Daily Stoic podcast (and there’s a daily email you can sign up for if you’d rather the text format) focuses on a branch of philosophy that seems especially relevant right now: Stoicism.
The philosophy teaches that you can find a path to happiness by reducing negative emotions. Seems simple, right? As many of us have found since March 2019, it’s not so easy to do in real-life situations.
The podcast I listened to today featured a meditation on the danger of feeling fear and hope–in it, host Ryan Holiday says that when we fear or even look forward to things that will happen in the future, we can’t enjoy our present. That might make your leadership think a little more about how they’re dealing with the stress of deadlines or college application season.
Most of the recent podcasts are about 10 minutes, and I’ve easily been able to find good sections to highlight and focus on that were under five minutes long for classroom use. My plan is to share them with leadership a few times a week and let them decide if they’d like to bring the podcast or present a condensed version to the full staff.
For more information on the podcast and to get the daily email, go to the Daily Stoic website.
Written By: Julie Tiedens