Storify captures moments, mood through social media

If your staff is online and hasn’t yet discovered Storify, do. Like, now.

If social media is the ultimate source of mined community data, Storify is the pre-designed bow around the gift that keeps on giving. Simply: Storify packages tweets, Facebook posts, YouTube videos, Flickr images and other social media products into one “story” that you embed onto your publication’s website.

Let’s say your football teams wins its first-round playoff game. In a matter of minutes Storify allows its users to gather and organize tweets from students at the game, images posted to their Flickr and YouTube accounts, and related Facebook updates. The user brings together the different social media to tell a more complete, grassroots story.

Homecoming? Storify. Fight in the cafeteria? Storify. Car wash fundraiser? Storify.

The Iowa High School Press Association recently used a simple Storify (tweets and Flickr) to repackage the vibe from its State Conference. Our Storified package is presented at the bottom of this post.

Storify is free and intuitive, and best of all, it’s useful.

[View the story “Tweets from IHSPA State 2011” on Storify]

Written By: David Schwartz