Typically, when news outlets showcase their top stories of the year, it’s often at the end of December, right before Jan. 1. While high school staffs can do a year-in-review recap at that point, it makes even more sense for them to review the year that was at the end of the school year.
There are lots of ways to do this, from building a timeline of the year to having students vote on the top stories. One thing the FHNtoday staff is doing is counting down their Top 10 stories of the year during the final 10 days of the school year. The staff looked at data ranging from page visits to social media engagement and compiled their top stories.
Led by webmaster Chase Meyer, the staff posted their #10 story on Thursday, May 5, and will be posting a new story to the list each of the remaining 9 full days of the school year. You can check the staff’s list out here: FHNtoday’s Top Story of the Year.
What does your staff do to recap the year’s top stories? We’d love to hear about it in the comments below.
Written By: Aaron Manfull