Senior Exit Interviews Focus on Communication, Computer Skills, and Breaking News

2014 Editor Mural and Staff Box

2014 Editor Mural and Staff Box

Over the past few years, I have been making end of the year videos highlighting student work. This year I added in exit interviews and experimented with a little more iMovie video editing. My big tip would be to make sure to click ADVANCED OPTIONS ON in the iMovie System Preferences. This will allow for the addition of B Roll. Next year video editing will be upgraded to Final Cut Pro. The main weakness of the video is the audio. The wireless mics did not work with the iPad. Interviews shot with Canon DSLR video cameras can use wireless mics with much better audio. I am exploring different options to improve audio on the iPad. Wireless headphone mics do work with High School Cube streaming apps, but not with the Apple camera app.

The video was shown at our end of the year taco party, Quill and Scroll induction, and awards banquet. The editor headshot page will be signed by all the editors and hung on the wall as well as extra glossy copies given out with golden graduation cords for senior editors.

The advice the seniors gave focused on communication, computer skills, art, and breaking news.

Senior Exit Interview Video

Senor Exit Interview Video and End of the Year Video

Written By: Jonathan Rogers