Script Writing Tips for Video: Learn tips to improve your scripts for better video productions

Writing is the most important aspect of a film, of a television show, and ultimately, any form of video. The process begins with writing, leads to edits or rewrites in the middle, and may end with marketing on social media, or a producer’s written reflections.

Earlier I shared a post about Storyboarding, which is also an important part of the writing process, and about a series of webinars, I am hosting through SchoolTube University. My latest webinar, Script Writing Tips for Video, is now available free online and I would invite you to watch and learn some techniques and skills which could help you, and your students, in their writing for videos.

In this webinar you will learn tips and techniques for better script writing, including:

  • The 6 C’s of Writing
  • One Topic, One Sentence
  • Journalistic Principles of Writing (or the 5 W’s & an H)
  • and Much More

What writing tips, strategies, or resources for video do you have? Comment below and let us know.

Need other broadcasting resources? I’d invite you to try any of the free broadcast curricula on my website

Written By: Don Goble