Through the years, my staff has worked to build a group of students who livestream ballgames. Some are students who do other things during the day like design pages or produce podcasts, but a handful of the staffers want to work with the livestream during class.
While we spent a lot of time making sure those students were trained on how to use the equipment in the fall, we’ve changed focus this semester to expand what the team is doing during the school day to make the productions stronger.
Here are a few jobs we’ve come up with for livestream staffers to do during the school day to make the after-school streams stronger and gain audience.
Responsibilities for all livestream staffers:
- Participate in at least three streams each sports season.
- Execute job descriptions found below.
- Help others on the team out if you find yourself with extra time.
- Work to ensure all livestream equipment is taken care of.
Livestream Editor
- Oversee livestream team, ensuring staffers follow through with job descriptions and streams are promoted and go live.
- Oversee all gear as it relates to the livestream setup. This includes making sure things are put away, taken care of and in working order. Order of new supplies when needed falls under this job description also.
- Conduct equipment training for all members.
- Ensure that the live presence on the website looks good and is updated as needed.
- Ensure the plan to get each game live at is executed.
Scheduling Position
- Work to find out what games will be going on at FHN.
- Work to find out what away games will be streamed at other schools.
- Build a calendar based off home and away stream information.
- Ensure a livestream schedule of staffers covering at least one game/event a week is set from the start of the season.
- Work with staffers to schedule which games they will be attending and what role they will be playing in the stream.
- Oversee archiving of streams once they are over.
Announcing Prep Position
- Work to get stats to announcers prior to their game (roughly 2 days).
- Stats should include team stats for both teams
- Stats should include individual stats for both teams
- Stats will have highlights of things of note for the announcers
- Work to come up with at least 10 different talking topics for announcers to discuss during the game. Will also give suggested times during the game to talk about these things to help the announcers have plenty to talk about throughout the game, rather than talking about everything at the beginning.
- Oversee creation of a document outlining Play by Play v. Color Commentary for first time announcers.
Promotion Position
- Work to oversee promotion of all games (FHNtoday, Hudl and Away streams).
- Work to make some templates in Canva/Spark for easy promotion manipulation.
- Oversee document curation of local schools and Twitter @ so mentions can be made.
- Work with Buffer to schedule out messages for maximum impact.
- Work to come up with a “during game” promotion schedule for live team members.
- Oversee all other stream promotions.
Interview Position
- Work to schedule and conduct taped interviews that can go live before the game or during halftime.
- Edit interview videos, export them and get the to Google Drive so they can be downloaded and used on streams.
- Work with promotions to promote the interviews ahead of games.
Written By: Aaron Manfull