Q&A: 5 Questions with Schooltube.com on their recent redesign and updgrades

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Jeff Johnston, Communications Manager for Schooltube.com, took a few minutes to answer questions about the video hosting site’s recent redesign and changes over the course of the past year. He even let’s us in on a few ideas they are exploring for the future.

Why did you decide to redesign SchoolTube.com?
With the ever changing world that is the internet, a Web site is either current or outdated.  With our rapidly increasing user community we felt the need for a new look to accompany new features.  We have already received positive feedback about the new user interface from students and teachers.

What kind of process did you go through for the redesign?
For this new version we have gone through extensive member feedback, which has been the ultimate deciding factor for the redesign.

How should this redesign help members?
This new version of SchoolTube will help users place their video channels within selected categories, as well as search for channels, videos and specific categories.  Overall features are presented in a more user friendly manner.  Moderators are now able to categorize their channel to be seen in appropriate category.  For instance a Sports coach that has created a channel, may now specify his channel to be seen in the Sports category.

For those who haven’t been keeping up closely with SchoolTube in the past year or so, what new features has SchoolTube rolled out in recent months?
SchoolTube has grown leaps and bounds over the past year.  We have added the following features to benefit members of the SchoolTube community…

  • 1gb maximum file size for media
  • Customizable member channels
  • Several endorsements from leading national education agencies
  • Live streaming (Premium Channel only)
  • HD video capabilities (Premium Channel only)
  • A newly designed website

Can you give us any hints of things you’re working on for the future of SchoolTube?
SchoolTube, like other businesses, are constantly working on what is in store for the future of the company.  Being a business in the internet world has its ups and downs but if you are not constantly improving your skills and products, the company will be left behind.  Look for new feature sets in the following areas: …

  • Newly designed moderator only privileges
  • Larger file size for uploaded media
  • Even Faster uploads, encoding and buffering of videos
  • A SchoolTube mobile site and cell phone application
  • Student channels

Please note these are future projects and there is not a given timeline for any ideas mentioned above.  The SchoolTube staff is working day and night to make sure that SchoolTube is the place for educators and students to share their media in a safe environment.

Jeff Johnston is the Communications Manager for Schooltube.com. He can be reached at jjohnston@schooltube.com.

Written By: Aaron Manfull