Print a List of Digital Media Sessions Offered In KC This Week

The JEA/NSPA Convention program can be found on the NSPA Website. There’s lots of great stuff in it to check out if you’re headed to Kansas City later this week. I went ahead and pulled digital media related topics that will be presented so you could have a quick glance at what all will be offered if that’s something you’re wanting to focus on at the convention. There are lots of great topics and presenters. Feel free to print this off (or have your students print it) and use it as a cheat sheet of digital media sessions for the convention.

You can see the sessions below or download a Word document here.


Improve audio and create voice-overs in Final Cut Pro (2 hours)

In this session, you will edit music and sound effects, and blend these tracks with interview clips to create a final mix. You’ll also apply additional timeline controls to help manage and preview audio clips, as well as work with two tools for mixing audio and recording your own voice-over. Please bring a set of head­phones and a USB microphone. (Sign up and get ticket at the convention registra­tion desk. Limit 38.)

Doug Kapeller, Olathe Northwest High School, Olathe, Kan.
9-10:50 a.m. Friday, 2210 (38)

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Going online on the cheap

Aimed at beginners, this program for students and teachers is a brief over­view of the options available for taking your school media online. From buying a domain to considering what to do with online comments, there are a myriad of topics to consider.

Craig Branson, ASNE High School Journalism Initiative, Reston, Va.
9 a.m. Friday, 2503 B (144)

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Thou shalt not shovel

So you’ve decided to make a serious ef­fort to become an online media source. Don’t make the mistake of thinking online stories are the same as print stories. At­tend this session and learn how to write, produce and edit for an online audience, and how to avoid the dreaded news shovel that could dig your online grave.

Jeff Browne, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kan.
9 a.m. Friday, 2504 A (270)

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Get in the CAR

What is computer-assisted reporting, and why should you be doing it? Get story ideas you can do as soon as you return to school.

Andrea Lorenz, Dripping Springs High School, Dripping Springs, Texas
9 a.m. Friday, 3501 E (162)

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Twitter: The new reporter’s notebook

Twitter is the new reporter’s notebook. Notes and quick thoughts for the world to see, but it can also improve student writing.

Matt Rasgorshek, Westside High School, Omaha, Neb.
10 a.m. Friday, 2503 A (180)

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Using photography websites and blogs for visual storytelling

Learn how to use new technology to tell your stories (and make money). Also learn about photography websites that are available for teachers and students so that you can quickly and inexpensively look professional. Sites discussed will have Web 2.0, print, sales and storage options.

Bryan Farley, Oakland, Calif.
10 a.m. Friday, 2503 B (144)

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New Media: Blogging

Find out about the increasing interest in blogging by both writers and the public. These speakers will discuss how to get a blog if you’re in a newsroom; tips on how to grab readers; how to write headlines for blogs and Web items; the difference in news judgment from print to Web, and what has worked for their website.

Amanda Wilkins and Pamela Spencer, The Kansas City Star, Kansas City, Mo.
10 a.m. Friday, 2505 A (252)

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Game changer

Has your yearbook staff been trying to ig­nore the influence of digital media, think­ing it doesn’t apply to you? Unsure how to change what you do to reflect new technology? Looking for ideas on how to use social media? See what others are doing and learn how to make some changes to stay in the game.

Sarah Nichols, MJE, Whitney High School, Rocklin, Calif.
11 a.m. Friday, 2205 (132)

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Changing Backgrounds: Green screen in iMovie (2 hours)

Using a video that has been recorded in front of a green screen, learn how to overlay your footage on a different background. If you would like to save the project you create in this class, please bring a flash drive or portable hard drive. (Sign up and get a ticket at the conven­tion registration desk. Limit 38.)

Kate Hunyor, Ottawa Hills High School, Toledo, Ohio
11 a.m.-12:50 p.m. Friday, 2210 (38)

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Soundslides: Preparing audio and images to tell a story (2 hours)

In this two-hour, hands-on session stu­dents will learn how to use Audacity to prepare audio, use Photoshop to prepare photos and use Soundslides to put to­gether the story. (Sign up and get ticket at registration desk. Limit 34.)

Judy Robinson, CJE, University of Florida, Gainesville, Fla.
11 a.m.-12:50 p.m. Friday, 2211 (34)

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Multimedia made easy: Websites through WordPress

This introductory-level session teaches advisers and students how to build a website using WordPress, a publishing platform that makes it easy to have a functional, multiuser site that is also aesthetically pleasing. Learn how one high-school staff launched a site, from registering a domain to registering reader accounts. Now students can publish var­ied content: audio slide shows, blogs and podcasts. You can too.

Liz Palmer and James Miller, duPont Manual High School, Louisville, Ky.
Noon Friday, 2201 (132)

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Crowdsource and personalize school multimedia content

A participative, collaborative discussion on the issues, opportunities, benefits and im­pacts of crowdsourcing and personalizing multimedia content (videos, copy, texts, Twitter streams, photos …) for school media..

Steven M. Howard, Screen 5ive Inc., Atlanta, Ga.
Noon Friday, 2206 (132)

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Save the environment: Go Google Docs

Students will have the opportunity to explore the inner function of Google Docs and how can it help their newspaper. No more excuses about missing work. No more disorganization. No more being un­available for conferencing on work. Learn how to organize your newsroom and make life easier using this free service.

Starr Sackstein, CJE, World Journalism Preparatory School, Flushing, N.Y.
Noon Friday, 2503 B (144)

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Introducing ‘Protocol for Free and Responsible Student News Media’

It’s hot off the press — ethical protocol for cultivating free and responsible stu­dent news media, improving communica­tion among scholastic journalism stake­holders and enhancing democratic learning in schools. The protocol is the result of a two-day conference, where more than 50 participants — including teachers, adminis­trators, students, school board members, attorneys, professional journalists and other journalism stakeholders — gathered to share ideas. Learn about proactive strategies for creating an environment to practice genuine journalism at your school.

Randy Swikle, CJE, McHenry, Ill., and Shawn Healy, McCormick Tribune Freedom Museum, Chicago, Ill.
2:30 p.m. Friday, 2206 (132)

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Create a DVD using iDVD

Learn how to make a professional DVD of your videos. If possible, please bring one or more of your Quick Time movies to use for creating your DVD. (Sign up and get a ticket at the convention registration desk. Limit 38.)

Kate Hunyor, Ottawa Hills High School, Toledo, Ohio
2:30 p.m. Friday, 2210 (38)

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Blogging sports

Blogging sports requires more than offer­ing one’s opinion. Blogging requires solid reporting, terrific observations and top-notch writing. Learn tips for starting and maintaining a sports blog fans will want to read.

Joe Gisondi, Eastern Illinois University, Charles­ton, Ill.
2:30 p.m. Friday, 2503 B (144)

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10 steps to creating a successful online publication

As multimedia becomes a larger part of today’s scholastic and professional jour­nalism, this session will have something for everyone. Learn how to generate site traffic, create an appealing Web page, cover live events and much more.

Leslie Orman and Chase Snider, Kickapoo High School, Springfield, Mo.
8 a.m. Saturday, 2208 (132)

Graphics in Final Cut Pro, Title Safe and Lower Thirds (2 hours)

In this hands-on session, you will add text to existing sequences in Final Cut Pro us­ing several methods, including some that generate pre-formatted text or animate the text automatically. You’ll also create a sequence of still images and edit it into another sequence. In addition, you can apply a Motion template to your project to create a more sophisticated look. (Sign up and get a ticket at the convention registration desk. Limit 38.)

Doug Kapeller, Olathe Northwest High School, Olathe, Kan.
8-9:50 a.m. Saturday, 2210 (38)

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Digital Media Committee meeting

This committee will meet to discuss goals and projects for the upcoming academic year.

Aaron Manfull, MJE, Francis Howell North High School, Saint Charles, Mo.
8 a.m. Saturday, 2212 (14)

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Brand yourself and your identity online

Take control of your identity as an online communicator by turning yourself into a product. Make you and your work known throughout your school, the region and even the world. Learn 10 steps for suc­cessful self-branding.

David Schwartz, Iowa High School Press Assn, Iowa City, Iowa
8 a.m. Saturday, 2503 A (180)

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Creating a media-convergence course

This session will review the trials, tribula­tions and successes of establishing a media-convergence course.

Rod Howe, Matt Rasgorshek and Nathan Moseley, CJE, Omaha Westside High School, Omaha, Neb.
9 a.m. Saturday, 2207 (132)

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Writing for the Web

Getting stories online can seem daunting, especially with a print newspaper still to produce. But the task isn’t as difficult as it appears. The trick? Work smarter, not harder. Learn some basics of online news writing as well as a few easy ways to get those stories to the Web with resources you probably already have in place.

Jim Streisel, MJE, Carmel High School, Carmel, Ind.
9 a.m. Saturday, 2502 B (270)

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Juggling print and digital media

Advisers will discuss their experience advis­ing high school news media that publish online and in print. Informational handouts, links and stories will be provided.

Jonathan Rogers, Iowa City High School, Iowa City, Iowa; Gary Lindsay, MJE, John F. Kennedy High School, Cedar Rapids, Iowa; Aaron Manfull, MJE, Francis Howell North High School, Saint Charles, Mo.; and Ann Visser, MJE, Pella Community High School, Pella, Iowa
9 a.m. Saturday, 2503 A (180)

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Website design using iWeb (2 hours)

Get your publication online quickly, easily and without having to learn HTML. In this session, you will learn the iWeb interface as well as design and layout basics, how to podcast audio and video content, hosting your site and more. Please bring a flash drive or portable hard drive if you would like to save your iWeb site. Option­al: Bring photos, video and/or text that you would like to use on your site. (Sign up and get a ticket at the convention registration desk. Limit 38.)

Michael Hernandez, Mira Costa High School, Manhattan Beach, Calif.
10-11:50 a.m. Saturday, 2210 (38)

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DIGITAL MEDIA in your classroom

Through a MacNeil/Lehrer grant, three Omaha advisers have been piloting, a video-based classroom initiative developed by PBS. The program provides lesson plans, in-depth video stories, as well as editing tools for your students to create their own videos. Learn how to use this ground-breaking tool in your classroom.

Hillary Aerts, CJE, North High Magnet School, Omaha, Neb., David Herman, Northwest High School, Omaha, Neb., and Jerred Zegelis, Benson High School, Omaha, Neb.
11 a.m. Saturday, 2504 B (135)

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Use Google to organize your yearbook staff

Learn how to use Google Docs, Google Calendar (with reminders), and Gmail to organize deadlines, your style guide, your ladder and more. Improve staff communi­cation and motivation. And it’s all free.

Jen Bladen, Harvard-Westlake High School, North Hollywood, Calif.
Noon Saturday, 2207 (132)

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Using GarageBand to create soundslides (2 hours)

Create content-rich multimedia when you marry sound with photographs using GarageBand. Please bring headphones and 15 to 20 digital photographs on the same topic, as well as a flash drive or portable hard drive to save your finished project. (Sign up and get a ticket at the conven­tion registration desk. Limit 38.)

Julie Leach, Kansas City, Kansas Public Schools, Kansas City, Kan.
Noon-2 p.m. Saturday, 2210 (38)

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New Broadcasters: Building a high school newsroom

See how students and teachers can create a broadcast news station at their school with limited funds and little train­ing. Using his story as a guide the speaker will show beginning journalists the tools they need to be successful early in the broadcasting business.

Alex Kuberski, Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa
Noon Saturday, 2502 A (270)

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Take your daily announcement show to the next level

If you have two people who sit at a desk for your daily announcement show, then this workshop is for you. The addition of packages and specials can make your show more interesting. Get pointers on production efficiency, scheduling, working with administration and how to balance entertainment with news.

Michael Hernandez, Mira Costa High School, Manhattan Beach, Calif.
Noon Saturday, 3501 E (162)

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Engaging your community online

Major companies are using emerging and social media to connect to their audi­ences, and your publication should too. Get hints for connecting with your school through Facebook, Twitter and the Web. You’ll also see sites that can make your newsroom efficient and, maybe, more fun.

David Studinski, mtvU College Media Network, New York, N.Y.
1 p.m. Saturday, 2201 (132)

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‘Virtual’ football coverage (1.5 hours)

Students will learn the basics of football before covering a game “virtually” that will include assessing stats, game notes, quotes, play by play and video. Stu­dents will then write a story on deadline. Several stories will then be critiqued via overhead projector at the end of the session. (Sign up and get a ticket at the convention registration desk. Limit 34.)

Joe Gisondi, Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, Ill.
1 p.m. Saturday, 2211 (34)

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Southapalooza: Using video for interactive events

KSMS broadcast staff members will show how they incorporated video into live, in­teractive events at their school last year. Students will explain the technology used, and then they will perform a live, real-time example of how the event worked.

Travis Gatewood, Wes Creaden, Shelby Lemon, Brian Schwabauer and Kevin Sikes, Shawnee Mission South High School, Overland Park, Kan.
1 p.m. Saturday, 2502 B (270)

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Gaga for Google Docs

Revolutionize deadlines and production for your publication staff by increasing accountability, fostering collaboration and ditching the shared drive — all while sav­ing paper and toner — with Google Docs. Learn tips and tricks, both basic and advanced. If you’re not using Google Docs yet, you will after this session.

Megan Hughes, Park Hill South High School, Riverside, Mo.
1 p.m. Saturday, 2504 B (135)

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Still not converging?

You’ve heard the buzz word. You’ve seen the online newspapers. You’ve felt the excitement. But are you unsure where to start? This session is perfect for the begin­ner and will include discussion on equip­ment, working with administration, CMS options, coverage ideas, marketing and more.

Leland Mallett, Mansfield Legacy High School, Mansfield, Texas
1 p.m. Saturday, 3501 C (252)

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Understanding CSS and HTML

Wanting to learn Web programming but not sure where to start? This very basic workshop introduces HTML and CSS to beginners wanting to know the languages. From syntax to structure, the goal of this workshop is to have you capable of read­ing, not writing, source code of a simple HTML site. (Sign up and get a ticket at the registration desk. Limit 34.)

David Studinski, mtvU College Media Network, New York, N.Y.
2:30 p.m. Saturday, 2211 (34)

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10 fingers to better videography

This session is for beginning videography students and teachers. Learn the 10 basic rules to better videography. This will be an easy lesson to take back to the classroom, as well as for students to implement.

Bobbi Templet, CJE, Oldham County High School, Buckner, Ky.
2:30 p.m. Saturday, 2502 A (270)

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The digital age of peer editing

Many students and teachers are com­fortable with peer-editing sessions using small groups, red pens and guided ques­tions on the chalkboard. But what about the new age of computer collaboration when students work online to edit one another’s work? This session will provide one teacher’s approach.

Eric Thomas, CJE, Saint Teresa’s Academy, Kansas City, Mo.
2:30 p.m. Saturday, 2504 B (135)

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I found this great photo on Google Images, and …

When is it OK to help yourself to some­one else’s photo, video or music that you find on the Web? You may have more — and fewer — rights than you think. We’ll look at common fair-use issues and how to stay on the right side of copyright.

Frank LoMonte, Student Press Law Center, Arlington, Va.
2:30 p.m. Saturday, 3501 B (162)

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For better or worse

Is your yearbook staff having a bit of trouble finding its place in the convergent movement? Yearbook staffs and online staffs should be happily married and working together. This session is full of ideas on how to merge the two publica­tions and get more coverage in both.

Leland Mallett, Mansfield Legacy High School, Mansfield, Texas, and Marilyn Scoggins, Bal­four/Taylor Yearbooks, Dallas, Texas
2:30 p.m. Saturday, 3501 C (252)

Written By: Aaron Manfull