What is your name?
Jerred Zegelis
Where can your podcast be found?
Please describe your podcast and why you thought it would be a good topic to have a podcast on.
I do this with my co-adviser, Tim Kaldahl. We thought it would be good for others to hear what our thoughts are about journalism. Being a journalism adviser can be lonely – hearing other voices might help advisers out there.
How has the podcast changed since the first show? What are some things you’ve learned and done to make it better?
Our sound is better. Our editing is quicker. Overall, just like our students, the more we do it the better we get.
What tools do you use to record, edit and publish your podcast?
We use a H4N Pro and 2 XLR mics to record. We edit in Adobe Audition. We publish on Anchor.fm
What advice do you have for others looking to make a podcast?
Do it! It’s fun, and it’s a great way to PLC or reflect on things. It’s also fun to get students on the podcast and talk with them about their time in the program.
Written By: Aaron Manfull