What is your name?
Jason Block
Where can your podcast be found?
Please describe your podcast and why you thought it would be a good topic to have a podcast on.
We have three main podcasts that all run through this same channel: Prospector Political Publish (obviously covering political topics), Prospect Sports Weekly (a different PHS coach and player on as guests each week), and Rivals (a sports talk show that discusses mostly Chicago professional sports). Additionally, we have KnightVoices, which is a compilation of our NPR-style news, feature, and sports stories.
How has the podcast changed since the first show? What are some things you’ve learned and done to make it better?
We learned to keep them brief (usually not more than 15-20 minutes) and to add nat sound when possible.
What tools do you use to record, edit and publish your podcast?
Zoom to record, Premiere to edit, and Anchor to distribute.
What advice do you have for others looking to make a podcast?
Follow your passion (finding topics you are passionate about), find intro music, find your style (talk show vs. edited segments), and nat sound and pulling audio from professional media is so important.
Written By: Aaron Manfull