Planboard is a digital lesson planner with built-in Common Core standards Post Module

In, a user can set up several subjects, and enter plans using official Common Core State Standards.

If you’re looking for a digital lesson planner that incorporates a subject and Common Core standards, Planboard might be your answer.

One of my trusted colleagues from the Boise School District, Stacey Day, recommends it.

“I had been looking for an alternative to a paper or word document lesson plan book that would be user-friendly and would keep everything together,” stated Day in an email.

She continued, “This website is FREE and it tracks the completion of the Common Core standards by letting you auto-fill the common core state standards as you plan daily lessons. Then it has a checklist that will check off each standard once you’ve used it.”

According to Day, “You can also add in your own goals and track those as well. It has a nice looking interface and is easy to see and organize. You also have the ability to attach documents, video, audio, etc. right into the lesson plan so you have everything in one place for future years.”

Day said she uses Planboard to plan lessons, attach files to present in class, align calendars with school schedules, set off-days, and keep track of standards and curriculum.

At the time of this writing, only three journalism plans are available to share.  Perhaps jeadigitalmedia readers should take the plunge and inundate it with goodies!



Written By: Michelle Harmon