A recent post by Poynter’s Mallary Jean Tenore is a reminder of the many ways journalists can use Pinterest.
She lists five ways journalists can use Pinterest. Let me connect those with high school media.
Highlight feature content
Pinterest can be very effective in promoting content of the upcoming print edition of the newspaper, a broadcast special, or features in the yearbook. That kind of promotion can lead to increase in viewers or in print /yearbook sales.
Showcase local attractions and events
Student media provides coverage of school events, such as Homecoming and graduation, but typically can’t include but a few photos in print publications. A Pinterst page of events can let viewers see photos that otherwise wouldn’t get used. A Pinterest page about dining locations for Prom or local areas for hiking can be a great reference.
Respond to news events
Al Jazeera created an effective Pinterest page of “The faces of Egypt’s voters,” with photos of voters and a short statement from each about the value of voting. This is taking the Photo Poll concept to the next level.
Reach new audiences
Some of your school community typically aren’t following your media product — the broadcast news show, the newspaper or the yearbook. Pinterest can be a way of introducing both students in your school and people in your community to your media program.
Resurface old content
You may have done an interesting story that was published but could continue to be of interest to readers through Pinterest photos an captions. For example, the history of the school for the 50th anniversary, how the school mascot was chosen, progress on remodeling of the football stadium, or behind the scenes at the school musical.
Written By: Julie Dodd