NSPA Announces 2017 Broadcast & Multimedia Story of the Year finalists and Broadcast Pacemaker Finalists
In recent weeks, the National Scholastic Press Association announced the 2017 National High School Broadcast Pacemaker finalists, Broadcast Story of the Year finalists and Multimedia Story of the Year finalists.
Twelve schools were named finalists in the Broadcast Pacemaker competition.. You can view the 15 schools here: http://studentpress.org/nspa/2017-broadcast-pacemaker-finalists/
NSPA also named the 2017 Multimedia Story of the Year finalists. A total of 30 finalists were announced in three different categories. You can check out the finalists here: http://studentpress.org/nspa/awards/msoyf17/
Finally, the 2017 Broadcast Story of the Year finalists were also announced. A total of 30 finalists were announced in three different categories. You can check out the finalists here: http://studentpress.org/nspa/awards/bsoy17/
Winners in all three competitions will be announced Nov. 18 at the 2017 JEA/NSPA Fall National High School Journalism Convention in Dallas.
Written By: Aaron Manfull