Michigan State To Offer Three Credit Courses Online Starting Jan. 25
Bobby Hawthorne will teach you most of what you’ll need to know about the fundamentals of news and feature writing, opinion writing, headlines, editing and proofing. Each week will focus on a specific area, and after the first week, you’ll notice you are using many of Bobby’s techniques in your own classrooms. You’ll rave about this class.
Instructor: Bobby Hawthorne, author of The Radical Write
Student Media Law
It’s been said that no publication adviser should walk inside a publication classroom unless armed with a class in press law. That’s why we offer this course. The course’s primary goal will be to help scholastic journalism teachers understand, identify and avoid legal “hotspots.” Important class for ALL advisers!
Instructor: Adam Goldstein, attorney advocate, Student Press Law Center
Power Advising
Created for advisers who have had at least one year of advising, this course will help teachers feel empowered in what they are doing. This is what’s cool: Power Advising will be tailored to those who register for the course. The instructor will contact you before the semester starts to assess your needs. You’ll work on an independent project, participate in discussions and find time and motivation to concentrate on issues of concern. Good for both yearbook and newspaper teachers.
Instructor: Betsy Pollard Rau, former high school award-winning adviser
To register for any of these classes, please e-mail Cheryl Pell at pell@msu.edu, or go to the MIPA Web site at www.mipamsu.org/advisers for more information about each class.
Quote from a student:
Written By: Aaron Manfull