Looking for a good B-Roll lesson for your staffers? Check out Peter McKinnon’s B-Roll Challenge
July 31, 2019
I had a class last spring where one of my editors showed this video to my video staff, then she sent them out on their own B-Roll challenge. The group came back with some interesting takes.
It’s a great lesson to do with your staff and could be done with a video camera, DSLR that takes video or any mobile device that can capture video.
While the McKinnon might get a little too technical in a few parts for beginners, the overall idea is a great one. Throughout the video he gives some good ideas to get B-Roll in everyday places and offers some nice filming tips as well.
With a little translation from an editor or the adviser, students could be off working on their own B-Roll challenge within 15 minutes.
Written By: Aaron Manfull