Streaming live events seems to be growing in popularity every year and, every year, the means to do so seems to get a little more user-friendly as well. The following is a series of tips to get you started:
Make sure that you can get a strong internet connection. – This can be a big stumbling block. Before you can promise live streaming of the Big Game, you need to find out if you have a strong internet connection. If your press box is hardwired for internet via ethernet cable, that’s the preferable setup. If not, try the wireless connection. Many schools are connected by wifi, but even the majority of those schools don’t have strong connectivity outside the school. So, if you want to stream games (e.g. – football, soccer, baseball, etc.), ask your IT department if you can get a signal. To be doubly sure, go out to the field and try to get a signal from where you want to stream (very important). How do you know if you have a strong signal, go to If you can get a least a 50 mbps download and a 25 mbps upload speed, you should be fine.
Written By: Matt Rasgorshek