JEA Curriculum Highlight: Critiquing Your Website for Awards

If you’re looking for a nice project for your web staff to take a step back, look at what they’ve created, and what they could do to make it even better, check out this curriculum share in the JEA Curriculum.

The lesson comes with a slideshow as well as two handouts and has things planned out for a 50-minute class, but could easily be adjusted to last a couple of days.

The lesson is a great one for staffs to take some stock in what they’ve created.

This curriculum is available to all JEA members. To access the curriculum, you must be logged in to the JEA Curriculum site. Once you are, you can access this lesson here: Critiquing Your Website for Awards

Check out the video here to learn more about the JEA Curriculum. If you’re a member you can login to access the curriculum here.

Written By: Aaron Manfull