Inspiration Monday Storify with Google Docs Brainstorm
Below are Storifies I made to kick start journalism classes on Monday. The goals I have for the last issues are to improve students’ opinion writing, the quality of photos on the Instagram feed, think of timely stories for the May issue and video editing.
These examples fall into those categories. As we go over the examples students will all have the same Inspiration Monday Google Doc open writing down thoughts and ideas based on the examples. Probing students how they might localize stories or apply design ideas or take Instagram photos like the ones shown help students get to higher levels of comprehension and application.
WHCD Highlights – Star Wars Deals – Summer Books and Movies – Poverty and Education – Michele Obama and New Girl Power Campaign with Seventeen Magazine
NY Times piece on “networked teens”, Nate Silver on young journalists and coding, a sports story or “Tweetcap”, a story on the Frontback “selfie” app, Instagram photos by the DMRegister from the Drake Relays, and a Nike marketing video for the World Cup.
Written By: Jonathan Rogers